Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

The other night when Sampson had the tick over his eye, Chet and I went crazy looking for our “tick kit.”  What is included in our tick kit is a nice pair of tweezers with broad, tapered ends and a “Ticked Off”, purported to be “The World’s Simplest” tick remover.   I must confess, it works pretty well.  Trouble was we couldn’t find our tick kit; so we had to make a new one.  When we have it; we keep our tick kit close by a covered glass jar, that has about a half to an inch of rubbing alcohol in it.  When I pull a tick off one of the dogs, it goes into the rubbing alcohol, where they eventually die.

Since we ran out of  Earth Animal, Bug off, I went online to see about purchasing some, Bug Off spray is listed at $26.99, the problem is that shipping is over $10!  So I sent Chet to Sweet Pea Pet Store to see if they sell it.  The don’t.  They did have something called “Neem Protect Spray”. Neem Oil is a known tick and flea repellent, so Chet bought some.  I don’t think it is as pure and natural as the Bug Off because it has Polysorbate 20 in it, but I think for now it will do the trick.

I think every house hold should have a tick remover kit, especially if you have dogs.  They are very easy (and pretty inexpensive) to put together, but can really come in handy should the situation arise where you need to remove a tick. 

My Tick Kit


Where they go to die...


If anyone is interested in trying out some Earth Animal Bug Off spray, let me know and I can order a couple of bottles, which should make it worth the while to pay for shipping.

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