Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

Death By Chocolate

I have a dessert recipe for Death By Chocolate, it is one of the all-time favorites on my holiday table.

I won’t share the recipe here (but if you want it, send me an e-mail and I’ll shoot it over to you) but I will say it involves chocolate cake, a variation of chocolate pudding, Skor bars and cool whip.  And yes, it’s good.

When I was attending college in my Effective Speaking Class, one of the required speeches was a ‘Persuasive Speech.”  Being the oh so clever being that I am, I decide to try to persuade people to choose their death, by chocolate.  I enlisted my friend’s help to carry in the HUGE bowl of DBC.   I also had paper plates and utensils and while I was giving the speech, my friend was passing it out.

I started by saying something along the lines of, “If you could choose the manner of your death, what would you choose?  Would you choose death by hanging, or heart attack”  well you get the idea.

I then went on to say, “I would choose my death by CHOCOLATE,” at which point I whipped off the covering from the bowl and revealed the decadent dessert.

When I stated I wanted my death to be by chocolate, I meant the chocolate sweetness of dessert, not death by the paws of a chocolate lab named Delilah.

If you are my friend on facebook, you know I spent part of New Year’s Eve in my local emergency room.

Here’s what happened.

It was cool, not cold on New Year’s Eve.  We had fog hanging around all day and as the afternoon waned the fog got a bit thicker.

The dogs and I headed out to the trails shortly after 3:00 pm, because of the thickness of the fog and the moisture on the ground I decided to stick to the upper trails and not venture onto the steeper ones.

The light area in the back of the picture is our field.

I kept hold of Delilah’s lead because the fog was so thick and dense and I was afraid to lose her in it.  We had just completed our first pass and were heading down from the woods via the large rocks.

I told Delilah, “Easy” and “Wait” which she did.

I had reached the bottom of the rocks with my feet on good old Terra firma when I said, “OK, good girl, good wait.”

Delilah took the “OK” as her opportunity to explore the field (which she should.)

She took off at a dead run giving me a really hard tug.

It happened so fast I didn’t have the opportunity to drop the leash.  I remember my feet moving quickly as I was propelled forward and a very hard SLAM as my shoulder hit the ground.

I sat there for a minute looking across the field at my dogs who were frolicking about.  My right should and upper arm were in agony.  I wasn’t sure if I had broken my arm or dislocated my shoulder.

Thankfully although all my pockets were full, I didn’t land on anything.  My right arm instinctively moved into the Pledge of Allegiance position which put it in close proximity to my cell phone, which was in an interior pocket on the left-hand side of my jacket. I managed to get my cell phone out and by holding it close to my right hand, I dialed Hubby’s number.

Meanwhile Delilah decided to come back to check on me and managed to dance around me to the point that I was now tangled up in her leash.

Hubby said, “Do you need me to come and get you.”

But the longer I sat there getting my bearings the better I felt.

I said, “No, I am going to finish this walk.”

And we did.

Once we were all back at the house I immediately iced my arm.

I’m not usually an alarmist when it comes to illness or injury and tend to err on the side of caution.  I know my body and I normally know when it needs medical attention.  After about an hour I decided it did.  So I drove myself to emergency and had an x-ray.

Thankfully there was nothing broken or dislocated and while the Physician’s Assistant send me home with a sling, she preferred I didn’t wear it, opting instead to use my arm, which I did.

The more time passed, the better my arm felt and I am happy to report I have almost 100% mobility again, and only about 5% pain.

I can’t say 2011 left me without a whimper. 🙂

By the way, I did get an A on the speech.



Comments on: "Death By Chocolate" (27)

  1. Yikes! Glad you are OK. That dog walking can be dangerous. 🙂 So I guess you didn’t get any good drugs out of the ordeal? heehee

  2. That’s more an a little frightening! I have been pulled down like this in the past with Shiva, especially when the sidewalks are covered with ice, but luckily I haven’t hurt myself bad enough to warrant a hospital visit. Oh Delilah…

    I am glad you are almost fully recovered and it wasn’t more serious. I am also glad you were smart enough to know when you needed medical attention. I can’t say I would be as intelligent… What a way to start the year!

    • It was pretty frightening yes, I can imagine worse for you when you are falling on ice!

      I think you don’t give yourself enough credit, Kristine. If you were in serious pain you would go to the hospital (or maybe your PH would have to make you!) LOL

  3. Oh, how scary! I’m so glad you were okay.

  4. I’m glad you’re OK – the dogs have sent me a tumbling a couple times too but thankfully I’ve never been hurt, unless you’re talking ’bout my pride. I totally would have made my husband come retrieve me and drive me to the ER though – you’re one tough cookie!

    Happy New Year – may 2012 bring a calmer Delilah and no hiking mishaps.

    • Thank you, I am hoping for the same thing for this year! LOL

      I think my pride is what kept me from having him come pick me up. So humiliating….LOL

  5. Ouch! Glad you are alright. I loved how you introduced the topic using death by chocolate! 🙂

    It has been many years now, but back when Rosy and Dexter were younger they pulled the classic one runs left and one runs right around a small cluster of tall trees. It happened so fast (I think it was one of the first times they ever saw a skunk and they wanted a closer look) I did not even think to let go of the leashes and ended up face first in the trees!

  6. One of the best pieces of news i have heard in recent years is that chocolate, esp. dark chocolate, had health benefits, blood pressure, cholesterol etc. I’m sure another study will come out saying it doesn’t. But I prefer to choose which studies I believe.

    Glad you fall wasn’t more serious.

    • I heard about that study too Jan! I was never one for dark chocolate until I went through menopause, all of a sudden one day I just couldn’t eat enough of it. LOL

  7. I am glad you okay Jodi – that must have been a shock 😦 Please be very careful on the trails.

  8. Frankie Furter said:

    Your Persuasive Speech was MUCH TASTIER than MINE.. I did Mine on.. Why you should ALL spend a day at the Ohio Historical Society Museum… LOL

    Sorry about the Boo Boo. Nothing broken though.. Whew!!

    • Oh Frankie, that made me laugh. Why you should spend all day at the OHSM, although truthfully, I could spend an entire day at a museum. I love them! Thank you for the chuckle.

  9. So glad you’ve recovered enough to write about your experience. Yes, death by chocolate lab is not the way I’d wish anyone would go.

  10. I’m glad you are okay. It was so nice of Delilah to come check on you after her frolicking 😉

    Oh yes death by chocolate definately the way to go 🙂 🙂 🙂

  11. glad to hear you’re feeling better, and that nothing is broken!

  12. Wow – I haven’t been on facebook much and don’t always catch everything in my newsfeed. So glad you ended up okay. (And nice speech by the way – what a great way to hold everyone’s attention. Mention the word “chocolate” and I’m all ears!)

  13. […] Death By Chocolate – Update […]

  14. […] dog on a 30 foot leash, even one who has lost a lot of weight, can cause a severe fall when she takes off across a wet […]

  15. […] you missed the post about Delilah’s first attempt on my life, you can find it here.   Since she failed in her attempt to kill me by force, she decided her next attempt would be to […]

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