Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

Pet Blogger Challenge

I decided to take the leap and do the Pet Blogger Challenge hosted by Will My Dog Hate Me and Go Pet Friendly.  Since I didn’t know about this challenge last year, this will be my first time participating.   The questions for repeaters are different then the questions for first timers.

When did you begin your blog?

I started my blog December 1, 2010.

What was your original purpose for starting a blog?

My original purpose was a challenge to myself to blog every day for a year. My hope was to better my writing and to generate interest in a book I had written.  I had gone to a seminar given by a literary agent at a local library, and her advice was to develop an internet presence in order to have people interested in what you have to say.

Is your current purpose the same?

Yes and no. I think  the original book I had written isn’t really the way I want to go.  I still hope to become a published author, I’m just not sure it will be a children’s book anymore. 

My ultimate goal has always been to share my sweet Sampson with the world and to let others know the joy and love experienced from being owned by a furry bundle of love.

If not, what’s different?

My goal now is to become a writer.  Whether that means I blog professionally or personally, my ultimate goal is to be able to stay home and write for a living.  Allowing me what I consider to be the best of both worlds…spending time with my dogs but still have an income.

If so, how do you feel you’ve met your goals?

Well you’re reading this right?  LOL I’ve actually developed a readership.  Granted it is not as large as I would like, but it is still people I didn’t know before I started this blog. 

Do you blog on a schedule or as the spirit moves you?

My goal is to blog every day and I do. 

If the former, how often — and what techniques do you use to stick to it?

I blog every day, and the post must be up BEFORE I go to bed, mostly I blog at night after dinner, but there are times I start the post early and work on it throughout the day.

If the latter, do you worry about… well, whatever you might worry about (e.g. losing traffic, losing momentum)?

I do worry about losing readers because that is who I am.  It still boggles my mind when I see the post was sent to 53 Word Press subscribers!

Are you generating income from your blog?

No.  So far no-one has approached me for advertising purposes.

If so, how (e.g. sponsor ads, affiliate relationships, spokesperson opportunities)?

If not currently, do you hope to in the future — and how?

I’m on the fence about it.  I’m thinking more in lines of a sponsorship, where people would pay to ‘sponsor’ the blog.  I also think I would be particular about who I chose to sponsor me.  For instance, I personally don’t use those chemical flea and tick products you put on your pet once a month.  Since I don’t believe in them I would not want them to sponsor me.

What do you like most about blogging in general and your blog in particular (bragging is good!)?

What I love about blogging is the relationships I have developed with my readers and other bloggers.  The Blogosphere is a tight-knit community and we all have each other’s backs.  If you are feeling down in the dumps or unsure you can bet a fellow blogger will be right there with their hand out, pulling you up and holding you up if necessary.

What I like most about my blog in particular is that it’s mine, no-one can dictate that they want it ‘done’ a certain way, however it turns out, it is all me.

What do you like least?

The technological side of blogging usually has me scratching my head.  I’m more of a ‘learn by doing’ kind of gal, so in order for me to learn technical stuff, I have to have the book in front of me and do it step by step.  I’m not always very good at finding those types of resources.

How do you see your blog changing/growing in 2012?

I definitely hope to really grow my readership, and develop more blogging relationships.

This is the PBC blog hop, you can get your link here.

Comments on: "Pet Blogger Challenge" (35)

  1. Frankie Furter said:

    I started my blog in OCT. 2008.

  2. I am so glad you joined in this year! My mind is still blown that you actually blogged every day for a full year. I think that is such a huge accomplishment. You should brag about it every where you go. I also love reading about your two, very different dogs. In some ways they almost remind me of my sister and I. Myself being the elder, easy child, of course. 😉

    What you said about your blog being all you, I really like that. Oddly, I never considered it that way before but I agree that it is such an awesome thing. It’s your space on the Internet. You own it and can do with it as you see fit. If the sky is purple in Jodi-land then no one has a right to question you. I like that thought.

    • Ah Kristine, you give me far too much credit, all I do is write, you my friend are a doer. I am envious of you and how easy you make everything look. your comments are never vague or bland, they are always well thought out and intelligent.

      Funny I am the oldest sister (and the easiest) too! Maybe that is why my bond with Sampson is so strong….we are simpatico. 🙂

      And by the way, I like Jodi-land, you might have to trademark that before I do. 🙂

      Thank you for your kind words Kristine.

  3. Every day for a year… so amazing. I did 5x/week and sprained both hands! Good for you for setting an ambitious goal and sticking with it. I’m glad I found your blog through the PBC – the stories of how you got Sampson and Delilah are really sweet. Looking forward to reading more 🙂

    • Thanks Sonia, it is more of an addiction then anything else. I. Can’t. Stop. Myself. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by, I hope those hands healed up nice!

  4. Hi Y’all,

    I’ll keep my paws crossed that you continue to enjoy blogging, because I enjoy reading your posts.

    Y’all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

    • Thank you Hawk, this blog wouldn’t be successful without readers and I appreciate the support. I hope you make your goals for 2012. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.

  5. You said what to me is the most important thing, that your blog is your own space without editors or publishers telling you what to write and how to write it. You make your dogs so real that i feel like they are part of my pack without my having to take care of a new one.

    Good luck in your writing ambitions. A post a day is a great accomplishment.

    • The creative license is what I really like. If I want to have a run on sentence or start a sentence with And, I can. It’s mine. It is one of the best aspects of blogging.

      That is very sweet to say about the dogs being part of your pack, thank you.

  6. The only way to become a writer is to write, write, write, and you’re doing it! Let’s keep on going in 2012!

    • Thanks Lori, I’m trying. I feel like the swan all calm and serene on the surface but under the water my feet are paddling like hell! LOL Thanks for the support.

  7. I enjoyed reading your answers. If you decide on sponsorship, won’t you have to move to self hosting? That would hold me back…lol. I can be technologically challenged at times. 🙂

    • And you hit the nail on the head Linda! I would have to move to self hosting and so it would have to be the right sponsor.

      Isn’t your blog already self hosted? I thought it was and the way I see you changing your blog theme, I question that statement. 🙂

  8. Wow – blogging every day for a whole year – I’m in awe of you. If you’re looking for a resource for the techie side of things you might want to check out It’s a subscription-based site with tutorials on everything, including WordPress. Thanks for taking the challenge. I hope 2012 is a another great year for you.

    • Thank you Amy, it’s actually more of an addiction for me. 🙂

      Thanks for the info on Lynda, I will certainly check it out. I was thinking more along the lines of …..word press for …….dummies. 🙂

  9. Loved reading your answers. I love reading your blog and you draw me in to your stories and I feel like I am there and personally know you and your dogs, keep up the good work.

    Oh yes and right with you on technically challanged at times 😉

  10. Sorry I didn’t realize I wasn’t logged in, the above anonymous comment is me 🙂

    • LOL Misty, I was going to go to my e-mail to see if I could figure out WHO anonymous was!

      My daughter started blogging and she is WAY smarter than I am, so she will help me figure some of the technical stuff out….now if I could just get her home. 🙂

  11. Hey Jodi. The similarities will never cease to amaze me. I started blogging (in Nov 2010) to try to attract a readership and interest in a memoir I wrote, and now, I too am going the novel route. I might revisit the memoir and re-write it after I have a bigger readership, but I’m still a “newbie” for now and its hard to attract a publisher for a memoir without a solid platform in place. 🙂

  12. It sounds like you are meeting all of your goals and then some. It’s amazing you write every day. It is a wonderful outlet and a wonderful community, isn’t it?

  13. It’s refreshing to hear that you have re-focussed. It is often a difficult thing to do because it means leaving behind the goals that were once very important. You are a good writer Jodi and you have the talent and discipline to be a successful published author.

    • That is very high praise Bassas, I thank you so much for your confidence in me. I hope I prove you right and when I do, guess who will be getting an autographed copy? 🙂

  14. I do think you’re a fantastic writer, and I was so impressed that you managed to post every day for an entire year. I’m trying it for a month, and I’m already finding it extremely challenging!

    I love reading your blog, and can’t wait to see where 2012 takes you.

    • You’re too sweet! It is challenging but it is something you just DO, like brushing your teeth before bed. Shit, I just remembered where I found the time. 🙂 I stopped brushing before bed! Just kidding. 🙂 You can do it and once you do, you might find you like it. 🙂

  15. […] from Rescued Insanity said it best in the comment she left on Pet Blogger Challenge, “What you said about your blog being all you, I really like that. Oddly, I never considered […]

  16. You’ve had an amazing year, Jodi. And you’ve covered so much ground with Samson and Delilah. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you all.

    BTW, do you know Peggy Frezon of Peggy’s Pet Place? She’s a full time writer who just published Dieting with My Dog. She also does a lot of magazine feature writing.

    I sometimes find it helpful to follow someone who is accomplishing what I’d like for inspiration and good ideas.

    And I’m no tech genius but I have struggled through some of the things you’re talking about (like moving to a self-hosted blog). If you ever have questions that can be answered by a “dummy” as in the book, drop me a line.

  17. Blogging every day for a year is quite an accomplishment. Lately it’s been a challenge for me publish a blog post every day for a week. Hopefully that’s all going to change in 2012. I’m actually putting my schedule and goals together as we speak and hopefully will be more successful with my blog this year.

    Although I like the technical side of blogging it can also be a real pain in the butt. It can sometimes be a good idea to outsource technical problems. When I changed hosting providers I asked how much it would cost to have they’re (my new hosting company) technical crew move my blog and they quoted me $25. It was totally worth it since it would have taken me at least a few hours to figure it out and I may have messed something up in my attempt.

    Good luck in 2012!

  18. […] Popular:  Pet Blogger Challenge.   This was the first time I participated because…..well I didn’t know about it last […]

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