Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

When You’re Down

I’ve always been under the impression that dogs (as well as other animals) have a sixth kind of sense.  That they can sense things that humans may not be aware of.

I’ve heard stories of animals living in nursing homes who suddenly appeared in a patient’s room and a short time later the patient  passed.

One time when I had a terrible migraine I overdosed myself on Xanax, quite by accident I assure you, yet I somehow managed to drive myself home where I immediately fell into bed.  Sampson my sweet puppy stayed right by my side.

So when I came down with a stomach bug and had to leave work a few minutes early on Monday, I expected a bit more from the dogs.

I walked through the door practically doubled in pain and Delilah jumped into my face.  I went into the kitchen to get their dinners ready and both dogs were jumping around, under my feet, in my way.  Well you get the idea.

I went into the bedroom and sat down on the bed to take off my shoes and put my pajamas on and both dogs were jumping all over me.

I know, I know they were excited and happy to see me, and I appreciate that.  I really do.  I just felt really bad and had hopes they would sense my need for rest.

Eventually they did settle down and luckily I began to feel better pretty quickly because I ended up rubbing this one’s ears.

For a very long time.

But seriously, how can you look at this face and not want to snuggle?

Comments on: "When You’re Down" (12)

  1. I know what you mean. I’m always torn between welcoming the happy dance and trying to make them understand that I’m not up to it right now. Then I feel guilty if I don’t appreciate their welcome home routine. If I didn’t get a happy dance, I might as well have all cats.

  2. Awww I love that face! I do agree with you on animals can sense things we can’t.

    Hope you are feeling better 🙂

  3. mommysaidaswearword said:

    When I was nearing the end of my pregnancy, my dog Willie stared at me, never leaving a ten foot radius from me. It was maddening and endearing.

  4. Awe, well I hope you are feeling better.

    I had surgery several years ago and our golden retriever stayed by my side the entire time I was recuperating. He was a sweet soul. But maybe Sampson and Delilah figured you weren’t too bad off…lol…even though you felt like crap.

  5. Poor Jodi! Feel better soon!

  6. They were so happy you’d come home – they needed some time to realize that you were sick. That face would be hard to resist!
    Hope you feel better soon Jodi.

  7. Frankie Furter said:

    Hope you are feeling better now.

  8. Awww….sorry you weren’t feeling well. Hope you’re doing better now. My dogs are not at all sensitive to illness, but one of my cats is. Anytime either of us is sick she’s right there to snuggle with us. 🙂

  9. My dog is definitely not sensitive to my various moods or illnesses. If anything, me being sick inspires her to up the ante and go even crazier.

    I hope you are feeling much better today and that some Sampson snuggling was just the thing!

  10. Hope you feel better! Sophie has in the last year learned that napping is a good way to help mom feel better. 🙂

  11. I think my dog only is able to sense when my back is turned, so he can grab whatever goodies are in his reach. Hope you feel better!

  12. […] When You’re Down – Update […]

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