Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

2012 Goals

Well it’s just about the middle of January and I figured I should make my goals for myself and this blog public, so you all can help hold me accountable.

My goals in no particular order:

The Blog.


The last time I published a post WordPress informed me I have 54 WordPress subscribers and 164 Twitter followers.  My goal for 2012 is to double my WordPress subscribers.


My plan is to continue to post every, single day.  If I make it, that will be two full years of daily blogging.

Product Review.

I would like to be able to do a product review on this blog.  Preferably a product I like, so I can write a glowing review.



My Twitter goal is to learn to tweet.  Seriously.

Twitter Followers.

My other Twitter goal is to get Bob Harper to follow me.   I know, it will be tough but I think I’m up for the challenge.


Paid Writing.

I’m not going to say I want to get a full-time writing job, but I would like to get paid to write something.  Anything.  I don’t care if someone pays me to write a freakin’ ad on Craig’s list.  I just want to be able to say I made money by writing.

My Book.

I’m writing a book.  There I said it!  Now you know.  Taking a page from Donna and the Dogs, I will be posting a line at the end of each blog letting you know how many words I currently have.

My goal is to write a little bit for my book each day.  In three days I have slightly over 1.000 words, I need to pick up the pace on that, because I hope to have the book complete (in rough form of course) by the time this blog is two years old.

Sampson and Delilah.

My goal for Sampson and Delilah never changes.  It is to give them the best life I can and enjoy the time I have with them.

So there you have it, and now that you have read my goals, knowing I have shared them is what will hold me accountable and help me accomplish them.

How about you, have you set any goals for yourself, your dogs, your blog or anything else?


Comments on: "2012 Goals" (20)

  1. Wowza! You are ambitious this year. I am **impressed** I wish you all the best in completed them. Well be here to cheer you on along the way!

    • Thanks Jodi and Koly, I guess when I re-read it, I can see that it may be over-whelming a bit. LOL But gosh, I blog with a bunch of achievers and you guys just can’t help but rub off on me. Look at how successful you are!

  2. Wow, Jodi, as much as we admire your goals, we admire your courage more to go public. We need to take a page from your book. But you’ve shown you could meet your goal by posting, so we have no doubt you will meet the others. Good luck on your book. Is it a dog book?

    • Thanks Jan, I am the kind of person who needs people to know my goals, if I am not sharing them I have a harder time accomplishing them. I need the accountability, which is why Weight Watchers worked when I joined them. Because people actually SAW that I was doing it. I guess it is a personality flaw. 🙂

      The book is a mystery I guess, but there is a dog in it. 🙂

  3. Great goals Jodi. I know you will achieve these!!

  4. Nice goals, Jodi! I wish you luck, and I know you will accomplish what you set out to do.

    I started writing a book too. I am posting the amount of words that I write every week on my sidebar. I haven’t done very well so far. My goal is to write 2,500 words a week. I hope that reading your blog will keep me motivated! I like the idea of your posting the amount of words at the end of your posts.

    • Thank you Mary Ann. I saw that you had started the book, it is about your grandfather, right? You were another one that ‘prodded’ me a bit to get started, so I did. I admit I have this rolling around in my head and am constantly thinking about it.

      Donna and the Dogs gave me the idea for the word count. At the end of each posts she says, “My novel has …… words.” it is a great measuring tool.

      Thanks for the support.

  5. the key to tweeting is just don’t even think about it lol. record everything you think of. every time i have a thought and i would tell it to somebody, i jot it down into twitter. of course it’s not good for long stuff, but anything you think that you would tell somebody, do it! lol

    • T said the same thing, you just tweet. I don’t really do it on facebook either, so I guess it is something I need to start using. It really just needs to become 2nd nature.

      Think. Tweet. Wish me luck!

  6. Good luck with all this. You’re a better blogger than I am Gunga Din.

  7. WOW you are ambitious, I can’t say the same 😉 I’m just takin it one day at a time right now, lol

  8. Those are great goals. Best of luck with your book. Are you going to share the topic of your book?

    I am paid to write, (among other things). It isn’t always all it is cracked up to be. When you have to do it and have deadlines, it isn’t as much fun as blogging. 🙂

    • Ok, I’m curious as hell, what do you write?

      I know deadlines can be a pain and I really want to write books, but it would be cool to make a little money in the process.

      Certainly I’ll share the topic, it is a mystery, and there is a dog in it. 🙂

  9. […] 2012 Goals – Author’s Note […]

  10. Hey Jodi – those are all awesome goals!! When you look to get paid for writing, don’t overlook contests! If you have any good dog fiction floating around, the AKC runs a fiction contest every year. (and its free to enter!)

  11. […] months ago I wrote a post titled 2012 Goals, I thought it might be a good time to review those goals and see how I’m […]

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