Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

Follow-Up Friday

For those new to the blog, my follow-up Friday provides me with an opportunity to update or revise a post from the previous week.

You know sometimes you post about something and you need an update but it doesn’t warrant a whole blog.  Or sometimes someone made a comment that really resonated with you.  Yup, Follow-Up Friday baby! 🙂

Who’s Eating The Cat Food – Author Note

Sampson that little stinker, keeps returning to the gate after he has eaten his own meal.  I’ve taken to putting Bob’s food farther into the room (and less accessible to Sampson) and as I do this I give the gate a kick with my foot to ensure it stays in place.

It makes me wonder if he’s still hungry or just trying to take advantage. 😦

The Importance Of Business Cards – Author’s Note

Most of you have business cards, but what I found out from the lovely Dr. Rayya is you can get a free barcode made that you can put on your business card.  When someone with a smart phone scans your card, the barcode will take them directly to your website!

I guess my decision has been made and I will be making business cards that focus primarily on this blog.  But here’s the twist (of course, there always has to be a twist.)  I’m thinking of self-hosting the blog so I can focus more on trying to make a little money from it (not from you of course!) so maybe I will only order a small amount of cards.  At least until I determine where exactly this blog is headed.

My Little Diva – Author’s Note

Many of your comments stated how impressed you were at Delilah’s ‘down’ stay.  I want to be really clear on this.  I wasn’t out of her site for more than a few seconds.  From the store to the end of the training room where Delilah was is only about 60 or 70 feet, it is a long, rectangular place with store in the front, grooming in the center and training in the back.

Delilah usually does well enough in her ‘down’ stay (when I can get her to ‘down’) to allow me to walk around the training room, this is in a controlled environment.

We still struggle with her ‘downs’ at home, but I am working on that with her Kong.  I have been ‘downing’ her when I open the freezer and I make her stay while I walk away and out of her sight.  I am slowly increasing the time I am away and she is doing well with it.

Don’t for a minute think I can get her to down on one of our walks.

It. Would. Never. Happen.

Hug Award – Author’s Note

I mentioned when I presented this award to Kristine at Rescued Insanity that I would request a link to Shiva’s Tim Horton’s incident.  If you have not already read this post, let me warn you.  Make sure you have neither food nor drink in your mouth.  Yes. It is that funny.

Our First Shivie – Author’s Note

I found out today that Kristine’s birthday is tomorrow, so please pop on over and wish her a Happy Birthday.  Oh and guess what?  It’s a big one. 🙂

That’s it for us, we hope you rocked your week!

Book update:  My  book has 12,303 words.

Comments on: "Follow-Up Friday" (7)

  1. That’s a great idea using the kong to extend her down stays.
    BTW – Just noticed your word count. WTG!!

  2. Frankie Furter and Ernie said:

    I really enjoy these Follow-Up Friday posts.

  3. Oh my goodness! I’ve just read the Shiva post. How funny. It’s a shame there’s no security footage!

    As for the ‘down’ and ‘stay’, I’m still impressed! Way to go Delilah!

  4. Thank you for highlighting the free barcode – what a great idea!

  5. If you decide to self host, please do a tutorial for the rest of us. 🙂

  6. Dang it! I wish had known about the QR code. Duh! What a great addition. Oh well, I’m probably having mine redone, so maybe next time!

  7. Kind of late to this, but I wanted to comment about the ‘is he hungry, or just taking advantage’ thing – he’s almost positively just trying to take advantage, is my guess. The number of times a day people in my house ask, “Have you fed the dog yet?!” is ridiculous. Yes, I have. But you’re frying an egg/eating chips/cooking dinner/making a sandwich/doing something near the stove/eating anything/not being exciting enough, and HE. IS. A. DOG. If I gave him a room full of kibble, he would eat until he physically could not eat any more. And if i then handed him a peanut butter kong… he’d eat that too.

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