Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

Follow-Up Friday

For those new to the blog, my follow-up Friday provides me with an opportunity to update or revise a post from the previous week.

You know sometimes you post about something and you need an update but it doesn’t warrant a whole blog.  Or sometimes someone made a comment that really resonated with you.  Yup, Follow-Up Friday baby! :-)

Yahoo – Author’s Note

As you know Delilah is a work in progress.  As well as she did on her recalls last Saturday, yesterday she didn’t do as well.

I met my walking pal after work for a quick twenty-minute walk and we let the dogs run around in the field.  In the blink of an eye Delilah was gone.  I’m always concerned when she runs through the woods that her leash will get caught somewhere and she will strangle herself.   Normally she stops when she feels a strain on the leash, but you just never know.

My friend had seen Delilah enter the woods, so we attempted to follow her.  Thankfully I had the foresight to put their reflective vests on because it was snowing, and my friend easily spotted Delilah.  She was in someone’s back yard grazing on God knows what.

Even though I had been calling her from a distance she was preoccupied with what she was doing.  When I got close enough I called her again and she looked up.  As soon as she saw me she came running.

Our twenty-minute walk turned into forty. 🙂  As we were wrapping it up the dogs saw or heard something, I had Delilah’s leash at that point but when Sampson and Brady took off at a full run, I dropped the leash.  That was my bad.  I should never have done it considering how she had taken off earlier.

Sampson and Brady came right back but someone else was MIA.  It was close on 6 o’clock and I was freaking out a little because it was starting to get dark and I did not want to try to search for her at night.

We started walking down the hill towards the field which is the direction she was headed and I somehow found the sense to scream Wooo Hoooo, well that did it and she came tearing back to me.  But I can tell you I will probably not be giving her that kind of freedom again any time soon.

What Would You Call Him – Author’s Note

Many of you left comments indicating your cats do similar if not the same things.  That makes me feel better. 🙂

While this is mostly a blog about dogs, I did write a story about Bob last year that I thought was pretty amusing.  If you’d like to read it you can find it here.  I will have to warn you, I did use the “F” word in that post.

Dog Responsibility – Author’s Note

So as I related just a few minutes ago, we went up to the park last night.  After Delilah took off for the second time we headed home.  As we approached the field Sampson  paused and when I looked I could see there was someone in the field with their dogs.

I couldn’t tell if the dogs were leashed or not, so I just headed out.  The dogs were off leash and they came running down the path.  One of the dogs was a yellow lab and the other looked like a Springer Spaniel.

I exchanged quick hellos with their dad and then he headed up the hill and I headed out of the park.  The little Springer followed me….all the way out of the park.  In fact, I think (s)he was contemplating getting into my car.  The dad had kept walking.

It was full-blown dusk at this point and I was a little freaked out for the poor dog, but didn’t want to drag my guys back into the woods, so I cracked a window and locked the car and headed back towards the field.  The dog followed me.

I walked far enough in, encouraging the dog to go “find your dad,” and at last the dog headed off up the hill.

But again I was left stunned at the irresponsibility of this guy.  He literally just walked off and left his dog.  Alone.  In a park where there are coyotes and fishers.  I hope the little dog made it back without any issues.

I don’t know how we are going to get people to understand that owning a dog includes responsibility, especially to the dog!!

That’s it, I ‘m done now.  Looking forward to the weekend and some nice long walks with the dog.  We hope you enjoy yours.

Book Update: My book has 17,746 words.




Comments on: "Follow-Up Friday" (5)

  1. Our dogs are rarely out of our sight. The only time is when they are hunting in cover. I just cannot imagine not knowing where they are. I know people who just open the door and let their dogs run. I just don’t understand that.

    • I don’t get it either. When I can’t seem them it freaks me out, I just don’t know how people can be so casual with their pets. 😦

  2. I never let my dog out of my sight, no matter where we are; I cannot understand why some people just walk on and leave their dog – especially knowing there are coyotes around. They are not responsible pet owners.

  3. Tall person always keeps me in sight, mainly because of the number of stray dogs. We often get ambushed when we turn a corner so it’s not a good idea for me to be out in front or too far ahead.

    Tall person says he really enjoys your updates Jodi. It’s always useful to reflect on what has happened during the week and consider comments received.

    17,746 words! Wow!

  4. It’s always helpful to remember that good recall on one day doesn’t mean everything will be perfect each day after. We all make progress sporadically.

    That said, as long as your Woo Hoo is loud enough, it seems that Delilah will return to you. I’m wondering if you want to teach her to respond to a whistle, just in case she got far enough away from you that your voice that carried away by the wind.

    BTW, that book is growing up fast. I remember when it was just a little whippersnapper of 3000 words. 🙂

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