Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

Sunday Morning Hikes

We had a weather prediction for (much-needed) rain today.  The rain was supposed to start early this morning and get to be a down-pour by the afternoon.

My plan was to walk the dogs early before the heavy rain started.  I will walk them in the heavy rain, but prefer the lighter stuff when given the option.  While it was cool and overcast (yay, no bugs) the rain held off.

In CT our weathermen (and yes, most of them are men) only have about a 50% chance of being accurate.  Honestly, if I was only 50% accurate in my job, well…..I wouldn’t have one.  But this post is not about weather.

I figured if I hit the trails early and with the cooler weather, we wouldn’t encounter a lot of people on the trails.  And I was right.

The trail system we walk has access to a rail trail.  Whenever we approach the intersection, Sampson gets excited.  He knows people are down there and he wants to go and greet them.

There is a section where two different trails run close together.   When the trees are full, I’m not sure if you can see the other trail but as the trees are just beginning to fill-in here, you can see easily see the trail.

I saw a couple, walking up from the rail trail.  It is a couple we have run into before.  The last time they had their daughter’s dog with them, but today they were alone.

If I see people before the dogs do, I rein them in.  In Sampson’s case I just say, “Sampson No” and he will either sit or wait.  Very rarely will he run ahead if I give him that command.

Today he stood, looking.  The couple stopped and acknowledged us and I asked, “Can he say hello?”

The man responded, “Of course.”

I swear Sampson understood the conversation because as soon as the words had come out of his mouth, Sampson was charging through the brush towards the couple.

Of course once Sampson was on his way Delilah needed to say hello too.  I dropped the leash and after she had greeted them, she turned right around and ran back to me!!

That’s not the end to the story, but it is the end to this blog post.  Tune in tomorrow to hear about the rest of Delilah’s off leash hike.

Comments on: "Sunday Morning Hikes" (10)

  1. It’s nice to have dogs that like to greet people and make friends!

  2. Is Delilah reading your blog and she’s trying to show you up with her exemplary behavior?

  3. Tall person distrusts all of the fancy weather charts on TV. He says the weather will be the same as it was yesterday – you can only be wrong once 🙂

  4. Haha! She knows you’re hacked off with the whole preparing her dinner thing!

  5. I can’t wait to hear the rest. I bet Sampson and Delilah had fun visiting. 🙂

  6. LOL! Good boy Sampson, waiting until the man said “of course.”
    Looking forward to hearing about Delilah’s hike!

  7. yay! What a nice little success. Your efforts and time are paying off, as they always do.

  8. It’s so nice when you see they ‘get it’ and all the work you’ve been doing is working!

  9. […] yesterday’s post I mentioned Delilah had a little off-leash hike. If you’ve been reading for a while you know […]

  10. snoopys@snoopysdogblog said:

    Of course Sampson understood – us Doggies are pretty clever you know!! 🙂

    I hope you’re having a fun day,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

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