Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

Yesterday I shared a little bit about an early morning walk I took with the dogs on Friday.

I had sent my friend a text asking if she and Brady were around for a walk, but hadn’t had a response back.  I figured we would just head her way and see if we ran into them.

On our way, we ran into one of her neighbors, Mark and his dog Bruno.  Since he was heading the same way we were, we walked together, chatting a little as we went.

The best way to describe our walking trails is like this:

My road ends in a cul-de-sac, if you went straight you would head up a hiking path to the field, just before the field the path heads up the hill to the right and if you went straight out that path you would enter another cul-de-sac.  My friend’s house is the second house on the right hand side.  The first house belongs to M & M who have Tia, the German Shepherd.

Just as we got to the top of the trail, near my friend’s house Bruno and Delilah started to play.  I made the mistake of dropping the leash.

As soon as I dropped the leash she stuck her nose to the ground and she headed out of the woods and into my friend’s neighborhood.  I snagged Sampson and said, “Go, Go, Go, Go, Go, Go” and started running back the way we came.

Delilah kept going.

I quickly realized she wasn’t responding, so Sampson and I turned around and headed out to get her.

Meanwhile Mark and Bruno were walking home and I could see Mark trying to get Delilah’s attention, but she ignored him.  She had wandered into M & M’s yard and their garage door was open.

Yup, Friday morning at 7:00 o’clock, Delilah walked right into M & M’s garage.

I was horrified.

Mark meanwhile had started walking down the driveway and was almost to the garage.  I got to the end of the driveway and started down myself, Delilah decided she was done in the garage and stepped off to the side thinking she could head over to Brady’s house, Sampson  meanwhile saw the open garage and decided to investigate like Delilah had.

Luckily for me as Delilah dodged out of the garage, Mark stepped on her leash and handed her back to me.  Sampson returned when called and we headed back into the woods to finish our walk.


I will not be dropping her leash again anytime soon.  I swear to God, if she falls down a friggin rabbit hole, I’ll hold onto that leash and follow her down.

Comments on: "To Boldly Go Where No Dog Has Gone Before" (14)

  1. Nice story. Very descriptive and elaborated .

  2. I admire your intention to follow Delilah down a rabbit hole – “Jodi in Wonderland!” 🙂

  3. Yikes. Just when you were starting to trust her. Freighter is going to get a little lesson in “here” this weekend. He has decided to be Mr. Independent and it is holding back his field training. He used to bring everything back, but all of a sudden, he fetches and goes the opposite direction to explore or he wants you to chase him. Just like Grandpa at that age…lol.

  4. Phew – good thing your friend caught her. At least she didn’t get into any trouble!

  5. Frankie Furter and Ernie said:

    You girrrrls could end up Meeting Alice and the Cheshire cat down there. Might be fun.

  6. I’ve had a few dogs through the years that could never be trusted off leash. They may have been reincarnations of famous explorers.

  7. Here’s a possible title for your next book. “Delilah Unleashed”.

  8. HHAA its ok Ive been there just when I thought Fred could be offleash he would rpove me wrong and put the nose to the ground and take off sigh…I feel your pain, glad everyone is safe 🙂

  9. Oh man, if OBF every came face-to-face with a GSD on the GSD’s turf, I don’t wanna THINK about the outcome.

  10. wantmorepuppies said:

    Oh goodness… glad it all worked out okay. 🙂

  11. That Delilah sure keeps you on your toes! You must have really BIG rabbits if Dililah and you could fit down their hole!



  12. […] To Boldly Go Where No Dog Has Gone Before – Update […]

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