Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

Which Would Scare You?

As I’ve mentioned previously, the local LaCrosse team has commandeered our field, which makes getting into the park on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays a bit difficult.  The way I’ve been managing this is by trying to get home on my lunch hour on Mondays and Wednesdays in order to get our walk in.

On Saturdays I just wait until later in the day.

My friend has it easy, as her entrance is not anywhere near the field.  Today it dawned on me, all I have to do is use the alternate entrance.


I made a very crude drawing of our walking area and the two entrances.  You may laugh if you’d like, I’m well aware that I am not an artist. 🙂

I told you it was crude.

The brown dots represent trees but there are probably a lot more.  There are a couple of other trails as well, but for simplicity sake (and my poor drawing abilities) I kept it to a minimum.

We arrived at the entrance the same time as a man on foot.  I asked him if he’d mind if I let the dogs out.  He didn’t.  He was a thin man, glasses and a golf cap.  He kind of reminded me of a geek.  We sort of walked into the woods together, chatting a bit.

Just after we entered the woods Sampson saw someone and took off.  A few seconds later a jogger ran past.  He was big and beefy.  I apologized for Sampson and he said, “He’s a nice dog.”

Now which man would make you nervous if you were a woman walking alone?

Yup, it was the nerdy guy that freaked me out.  He was heading down the orange trail so I stayed on the yellow. We did a quick cut through and went to the orange trail in the opposite direction.

I usually carry my camera in my back pocket but I switched it out and put my pepper blaster back there.   When we eventually found our way to the orange trail, Delilah’s leash snagged a really large stick.  I picked it up and used it as a walking stick.

Luckily for us we did not run into either guy again, but we did have a scary dog encounter.

It took place up near the entrance we had used.  I was planning on walking the dogs down the orange trail for a bit.  Sampson was up near the entrance while Delilah and I had started on our way.  I called Sampson but he didn’t respond.  I looked and saw him still and stiff.

I started walking toward him and that’s when I noticed Tia the German Shepherd.  We have walked with Tia before but it was a long time ago and Tia has grown into quite the big girl.

Sampson was tall and stiff  and while Tia wasn’t in a full poised to spring position, she wasn’t standing tall either.  I called to Sampson over and over again, but he wouldn’t turn his head.  Meanwhile Tia’s mom was calling Tia with no response either.

I saw Tia’s lip raise in a slight snarl.  I had Delilah on leash and didn’t know what to do.  I couldn’t approach Sampson with Delilah because I know she would have dove right into the middle of it, but I had no-one to hold her either.

Thankfully Tia’s mom got in there and diffused the situation enough so Sampson turned and started back towards me, then Tia feeling brave since Sampson’s back was toward her, ran closer to Sampson to get a good sniff in.

At that point I realized there was not going to be a dog fight and so Delilah and I approached and Delilah rushed right up to Tia who ran towards her mom with her hair all up on her back.

Later as we were leaving the woods I saw Tia’s other mom walking in, baby on her hip and Tia on leash.  I stopped my dogs and put Sampson’s leash on and waited until they had chosen the path leading away from us, then we left the way we’d come in.

Yes there was a bit of excitement but it really was easier than trying to get thru the LaCrosse people to get to the woods.

And I’m happy because I have my lunches free again. 🙂

And truthfully, the two dogs staring each other down scared me way more than the geeky man.

Comments on: "Which Would Scare You?" (21)

  1. Frankie Furter and Ernie said:

    WHEW…. glad that ended well.

  2. Wow! My walks seem so simple compared to yours. And yes, the nerdy guy would have scared me more. Glad everything worked out okay in the end.

  3. All 3 would have scared me. I’m a nervous walker.

  4. julesmelfi said:

    That sounds like a very stressful walk! I’m glad you made it out safely 🙂

  5. I am glad you made it out okay too! Lila and I went for a walk tonight, and the LaCrosse team was practicing. I was afraid to let Lila off her leash for fear that she would think that the kids were tossing balls with chuck-its! She would have been off running:)

  6. Gosh! I’m sure glad that we live out in the country and don’t have scary things happen on our walks. (other than Bella and Sable running away if Mom lets them off the leash! Which Mom doesn’t do anymore because if she does, Bella and Sable run away. Then Mom get’s REALLY angry and we go back home and when Bella and Sable come home, Mom won’t let them into the house ‘cuz they’re all full of burrs and they can’t come in till Mom brushes them. Sometimes Mom doesn’t brush them for TWO DAYS!!!)

    It sounds like Delilah was a GOOD GIRL on the walk!
    Way to go, Delilah!



  7. You really do have the most eventful walks. 🙂 A loose dog can be a great concern. Glad it all worked out for you.

  8. LOL the nerdy creepy guy are the quiet ones that take people and cut them up and put them in the freezer hahah. I would have been more scared of the nerd too 🙂

    In regards to Tia… it was scary but I also think its good that stuff like that happens, it keeps us on our toes, it also gets our dogs use to other dogs meeting htem off leash. Not ever dog is respectful, there are always dogs that rush up on other dogs and I like to think that Haylie will be ok with that and not snap just cause she got bum rushed.

    Im glad you found the alternate route even if it was a little stressful, just remember to breathe 🙂

  9. Yeah – a potential dog fight is definitely a breath stealer. Glad all turned out well!

  10. You have much more exciting walks than we ever have. And you draw way better maps.

  11. I dunno, I wouldn’t worry too much about the geeky dude. Most predators (of the human variety) are looking for easy targets; show them you’re a tough cookie and they steer clear. Plus you’ve got the dogs.

    I’ve been in that situation with the dogs too…one dog getting scrappy, can’t intervene because you’ve got the other dog….ugh. Glad they simmered down with no altercation.

  12. The potential dog fight would have been stressful for sure. That kind of thing makes me so nervous, especially in situations like this one where you feel stuck. At least Tia’s owner is just as aware and did the right thing. So often that is not the case.

    I never really get fearful of other people when I am with the dog. Maybe it’s foolish but she feels kind of like a buffer. Only an idiot would try something with my nutjob around. Even if all she did was bark, she would attract a lot of attention.

    I am glad your walk ended well and you can take back your trails!

  13. Glad that “stare down” didn’t escalate. There’s nothing that makes my heart pound faster than hearing two dogs going at it.

    I loved those houses in your drawing. Have you considered a career in architecture?

  14. snoopys@snoopysdogblog said:

    Phew!! I’m glad it all worked out well!! 🙂

    Most of our walks are runs so we don’t have many situations like that, if I meet a Dog I’m not too sure about I just ignore it – I’m not brave enough to get into a fight…. 🙂

    Have fun,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  15. If he’d been carrying a parcel, I’d have told you you were wise to beware geeks bearing gifts….

    Sorry about that. Are you going to block my comments now? 😉

  16. Wow, you do have exciting walks!

  17. […] Which Would Scare You? – Author’s Note […]

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