Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

The tag line of my blog is, “Life With Sampson And Delilah….the 411.”

Sometimes I feel like it should be called “Life With Delilah,” because it seems I only blog about Delilah and the challenges she brings to the household.

Tonight I was struggling with a topic and decided to look through some pictures and see if I could come up with something to blog about.

When Sampson was a young puppy we got into the habit of hiking every weekend.  We have lots of trails in the area in which we live and Sampson absolutely loved exploring them.

At that time I already had the idea to write a children’s book about Sampson so I took lots of pictures.

Here are a few of my favorites.

He had run ahead of us on the trail and when we turned the corner, there he was resting on the rock.

Walking this trail is what made me fall in love with walking in the snow.   I love the play of sunlight and shadow in this photo.

When I first taught Sampson how to drink from my water bottle Hubby wasn’t very pleased. He quickly realized the benefit when we started hiking.

This photo was taken not far from where we currently live.  I loved this photo so much I had it blown up and framed. I love how they are both looking ahead, contemplating what the trail holds for them.

See….it’s not all about Delilah. 😉

How do you find a topic when you aren’t sure what to blog about?



Comments on: "It’s Not All About Delilah" (42)

  1. Wow, Jodi, what a neat trail.

    • Thanks Big Al, we haven’t actually walked THAT particular trail since Delilah joined us, which is kind of sad because it really is a beautiful area.

  2. Those are really nice pictures and they made for a wonderful blog post. 🙂

  3. Nice photos. There are websites that have writing prompts if you get stuck for a topic. There’s Plinky, Writer’s Digest, and blogs that have writing prompts. You can google it! I like to write about stuff in life that happens – that’s my favorite topic!

  4. Oh I feel I sometimes only blog about one dog for a while before switching

    Stop on by for a visit

  5. julesmelfi said:

    So, when will we be seeing this children’s book??? I’m not very good at coming up with things to write about when I’m not “feeling it” 🙂 that is why I am so sporadic!!!

    • It’s tough, I have to discipline myself in order to write a daily post. The Follow-up Friday helps because it is easy. I wrote a post about the book tonight. I gave instructions to find it. 🙂

      Thanks for your interest.

  6. Finding topics hasn’t actually been a problem for me yet. Finding topics I can write about within the little time I have, that is another story. So while I have a long list of things to write about, sometimes I struggle thinking of something I can write quickly enough.

    Our guys love walks in the snow too. What I really like about walks in the snow, besides how beautiful everything is, is that when there is snow I can SEE what the guys are sniffing! I can see the yellow snow, or the little animal track … I find that very special that I get to know what they’re “looking” at.

    • I never thought of it that way! LOL The other thing I like about walking in the snow is that there are no ticks!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I do the same… look for photos I like and then talk about them… or I just look around and my dogs or husband are usually doing something crazy… don’t tell them I said that they don’t see running around in circles though the kitchen and living room as crazy 😉

  8. Sadly, when I’m stuck for a topic, I just don’t write. 😦

  9. It was lovely to see some pictures of Sampson.

  10. Ha ha. You’d better not tell Delilah that it isn’t all about her!

  11. looks like you live in a great location! (where abouts?)

    When i first got Luna I was between jobs so we hiked several times a week down by the river. I still miss those days.

    I try and write down ideas as they pop in my head, but usually never get around to blogging about them lol. And as you can see I don’t blog on much of a regular basis 😦 keep saying I will and it never happens. Life is like that I guess.

    • It is a great location Anna, central CT. Very pretty and lots of nice trails. I should write ideas down, but sadly I forget. 🙂 LOL

  12. Oooh your hiking trail looks gorgeous! I know exactly how you feel about giving one pet more attention than the other on the web—Arie gets to be the front runner of my blog, but I have two cats that show up in my posts everyonce in a while. I wish I incorporated the cats more equally.

    • Our trails are beautiful and there are quite a few right close near us. Trouble is Delilah is a bit difficult but now that she is on the long leash and not getting off anytime soon, I should start trying to walk her on other trails!

      You can incorporate the cats when they interact with Arie, because after all it’s Life with Arie. 😉

  13. I look for inspiration within my pictures because I am a camera ho 🙂 I also look for inspiration in my daily life. There are times that I have problems coming up with something I just dont post 🙂

  14. Thanks for sharing these pics – and you’re right, that last one is intriguing – “What’s down that trail….?” When I can’t think of something to post, I don’t. LOL! I give all of you bloggers that blog every day LOTS of credit. 🙂

    PS – It’s not always about Delilah. Sometimes you mention how much better behaved Sampson is. 😉

  15. Delilah is the squeaky wheel. It always gets the grease and the attention.

  16. Kristine said:

    Much like children, I am sure, the calm, quiet ones get overlooked. Don’t worry, though. I don’t think anyone can forget Sampson, no matter how crazy Delilah gets. His sweetness is just as memorable! Especially when that children’s book comes out.

    Topics come and go. I used to stress over it all but ever since I’ve given myself permission to take a day off if I’m just not that into it, things have flowed easier. There are still days I am grasping but I no longer feel the pressure nearly so much. The fact you seem to always have something interesting to say does you real credit!

    • You are very sweet to say that Kristine. Yes I imagine the quiet children rarely get the attention the wild ones do. 😦

      I just can’t give myself permission to take a day off. But I have THOUGHT about it, which I think is a step in the right direction. 😉

  17. Ditto what Julesmelfi wrote above — can you give us more information on the children’s book!?! These pictures are darling and each is meaningful in its’ own way. Sampson is so handsome! I’m jealous that you have such cool trails surrounding you.

  18. snoopys@snoopysdogblog said:

    Lovely pictures…. 🙂

    When I’m not sure what to write about I usually end up in some kinda Mischief and then I also have something to blog about – see there’s a good reason for Mischief!! Tee Hee

    Wags to all

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  19. Poor Felix! I knew from the get go that he would not be the star of our blog. How many posts can you write that are “YAY! We went for a walk!” or “YAY! I snuggled!”. He’s just such a *good* boy. I’m thinking about designating Fridays as “Felix Fridays” and giving him a day of his own on the blog. He deserves some blog lovin’ right?

    I guess I’m lucky (?) that Kol gives me a lot to work with and I’ll admit to hoarding stories. For example, the day Kol knocked me down the stairs I could ave actually written about three happenings. I’m saving two for a day with writer block.

    • It’s true isn’t it, the squeaky wheel gets the oil! Yes there are only so many times you can say what a good boy someone is. And like Koly, Delilah normally gives me plenty to work with, and truthfully I have a couple posts in draft form but nothing was jumping at me. I guess some days I just need something different.

  20. […] It’s Not All About Delilah – Author’s Note […]

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