Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

Follow-Up Friday

For those new to the blog, my follow-up Friday provides me with an opportunity to update or revise a post from the previous week.

You know sometimes you post about something and you need an update but it doesn’t warrant a whole blog.  Or sometimes someone made a comment that really resonated with you.  Yup, Follow-Up Friday baby!

Happy Gotcha Day Delilah! – Author’s Note:

Like just about everything else I write, somehow that post didn’t quite come out the way it ran in my head.

She has come a very long way and I sometimes forget to focus on that. Instead I look at where I would like her to be.

Truthfully if she had a reliable off-leash recall the rest would be fluff. 🙂  She really is an amazing dog.

Ouch THAT Bit Me! – Update:

Last year I wrote a post about how the bugs love me and how as soon as I step foot in the park they send out the call, “Dinner is here, come and get her.”

Well let me tell you, since I started bringing that racket the call now goes, “Oh my God, she’s hear.  Stay clear, she’s got the stick of death again.  Please take a moment to remember our fallen comrades.”

I’ve walked with that racket every day since I wrote that post, keeping a mental note is my head of all my kills. 🙂 Currently the house points bug kills stand as follows:

Monday – 5 (Although I do think one of those zaps might have been a dandelion fluff.) No points for indiscriminately swinging. 🙂

Tuesday – 1 (What a disappointing day.  This has got to be the day they sent out the warning call.)

Wednesday – 7 (My best day yet, but I’ve still not gotten a deer fly.)

Thursday – 4 (Not my best day, but definitely more satisfying than Tuesday.)

Friday – 6 (I was so close to getting 7 and tying the record, but alas it was not to be.)

Even though I’m walking and swinging the death stick, it is still somewhat startling when you hear that SNAP!  Oh and guess what?  Bugs smell when they’ve been fried. 😦

I’m disappointed that I did not smote more bugs and have to say the death stick is certainly not even close to being in the same league as the Elder Wand, but it has afforded me some satisfaction against those bugs AND it is another weapon I have at my disposal to aid in my protection from ne’er do wells and the Zombie Apocalypse.

Exercising Challenges – Update

The weather broke!  YAY!  While we all still get hot as we are walking, it is not as humid so the exercise is way more enjoyable. 🙂

WTF/Whoo Hoo Wednesday – Author’s Thought

This week’s post while sad, was not nearly as horrific as last weeks.  I think what I learned from this post is my next Blog the Change post will be directed at education for law enforcement as to how to handle canine interactions.  Siriusly, this shit has got to stop.

The Post Where I Whine And Cry And Basically Feel Sorry For Myself – Update

I have the absolute best readers in the entire world and yes, I’m talking to you.   You all had such really nice things to say about me and my writing and I really, really appreciate it.  I intend to respond to every single comment, I promise!

I said I felt like shutting the computer off and never writing another word, I didn’t say I would actually do it.  Sheesh, you should know me well enough by now that when I have a captive audience (yes you are, go ahead and deny it all you want) I’m going to keep sharing my opinion.

Siriusly, I was/am disappointed but there is a reason and some time when the time is right, I’ll figure out what that reason was.  Rejection is part of a writer’s life and I need to toughen my skin.  I was so taken off guard by the e-mails and I took it personally.  As many of you pointed out, they were not saying I am not a good writer they are just choosing another, easier path for them.

I think I also need to have a bit of confidence in my writing, it’s just that so many of you are SO good and I read your posts and think, why can’t I write a post like that?  Sometimes I think my writing it too simple.

What I want to be clear on is I volunteered for about 8 different things and have only been contacted on three.  One I had to decline because of personal stuff going on with me.  One I actually did work and the others are administrative opportunities that take place during the day when I am working.  Oh and I was asked to put up flyers.

I haven’t decided if I will blog about their organization (I am very spiteful it seems) or if I will just say thank you, I hope it all works out for you and look for something else.

I think sometimes I just feel like all I am doing is treading water and making no progress.  I’ve been posting every day for a year and a half and I think somehow I thought I’d be a little further along than I am.

Please don’t get me wrong, I am truly grateful for your friendship and support, and the fact that people other than my family and friends actually read this blog.  I guess I just hoped I would have attracted a sponsor by now, or be at least doing product reviews.

As they say, “All in good time, my little pretty – all in good time.

Oh wait, that was a witch wasn’t it? Well….if the Ruby shoes fit. 🙂

Comments on: "Follow-Up Friday" (8)

  1. Rejection sucks! But you ain’t giving up. And I gotta go wish Delilah a belated happy gotcha day!

  2. I don’t think you were rejected. I have a friend who is hugely capable – she has 2 undergraduate Honours degrees, a Masters and a PhD. She volunteers for the RSPCA. She has skills like you wouldn’t believe, but she hoses out shitty pens, because that’s what they need. It’s nothing personal. 🙂 As for comparing your posts to others – sometimes I do that and, in honesty, I KNOW I can put out better quality (and deeper, or more amusing) stuff but, the reality is that I can’t do it without more time and I don’t have enough of that. Sometimes it’s all I can do to stick to the 3 times a week schedule I’ve set myself. I wonder if we shouldn’t post less but think more… hmmmm. Now you’ve got me thinking! Grrrr.

  3. I went back to check your last post and you are a woman of your words, JodiStone! 🙂 I’ve been blogging for more than 2 years and don’t even have 100 followers. BWAH HAHA! My real world friends and family almost never read the blog unless I email them the link with a heading that says URGENT! READ THIS! LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION! And even then, they sometimes don’t.

    Have fun anyway! Thats important. And have a great weekend x

    P.S. you’re such a killer. I hope you didn’t zap great grandma.

  4. Frankie Furter and Ernie said:

    My mom always says… good thingys come to She who waits.

  5. Well I thoroughly enjoy your blog if that counts. 🙂 Keep at it, something great will turn up.

  6. It’s better to have a few close friends (and faithful readers) than a lot of acquaintances. We love to hear about S & D so please keep writing and we will keep reading.

  7. I love your idea of the Follow Up Friday posts!
    I’m glad you were only thinking of shutting the computer off!

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