Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

The Cast Of Characters


Hi, my name is Jodi.  Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog.  I started this blog to challenge myself to write on a daily basis in order to improve my writing.

Along the way I discovered a really great community of people who love and care about animals.  I am constantly learning new things, new ways of doing things and some really great causes that this great group of bloggers have turned me on to.

I’ve also discovered that I really like writing a daily blog, most days I rely on my dogs to provide me with material, but then there are other times when I am writing about something totally different or I’ve heard or read about something that really disturbs me and I feel the need to bring it to Blogville.

I’m discovering that I AM a writer and that writing brings me a lot of joy.




This is Sampson,  my Hubby and I have had Sampson since he was eight weeks old.  When all my kids had left the nest, I needed something to nurture, so we got Sampson.

Sampson is the best, easiest, gentlest dog in the world.  He is the kind of dog that people meet and say, “I want a dog like that.”

Sampson is the dog of my heart.


This is Delilah.  When Sampson was almost three I felt guilty that he was home alone all day long, so I decided he needed a companion.

I decided that I wanted to rescue and I wanted a lab.  I had requested a lab mix, but my vet assured me Delilah is pure chocolate.

Delilah is the total opposite of Sampson, she is impatient, head strong, and stubborn.  She is a work in progress.

But for all the craziness she makes the ride worthwhile, because she makes me laugh on a daily basis.




This is Chet a.k.a. Hubby.   He puts up with all of our antics, helps me with some of my crazy schemes and supports me in just about every way.

I couldn’t manage to do everything I do without his help.

I invite you to join us in our journey, we’re glad to have the company.


Feel free to leave me a comment or send me an e-mail

All the best,



Comments on: "The Cast Of Characters" (6)

  1. Dora Neely said:

    i read your stories n they all made me cry i am a animal lover myself n can’t stand to see any animal in pain you r an angel…u have been put on this earth to make an impact even if by sharing ur story u save an animals life u have made a difference…keep sharing i love reading 🙂 ❤

  2. I just stopped by to let you know that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading through your blog and archives. It is really an interesting journey. You are a “Noteworthy Archive Award Winner”. You have some treasures hidden in your archives and this award will let others know that it is well worth their time to take a walk through your archives. Here is the information about this award and where you can get your badge to show others you have great archives worth reading.
    Congrats and enjoy!
    Just Ramblin’

  3. Like you, I am a total softie for animals… if I ever hit the lottery, I am buying a huge farm where all the unwanted doggies can come to play!
    I found you by surfing around..came original from Mom Blog Society, and then found the giveaway you are part of… and think it is great you are all doing this for our furry friends. Our home is blesses with the sweetest yellow lab alive, Max, and his little partner-in-crime, Madison, who is a curly white fluffball…bichon and cockapoo, but she looks more like a sheep:)

  4. Hi Jodi, I have awarded your blog the Versatile Blogger Award. This is the link to the post :

  5. […] Life with Sampson and Delilah. . . The 411 with Jodi Stone and Sampson […]

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