Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

The Dog I Need

I was having trouble deciding what to blog about tonight and decided I would chug through my google reader and see if one of you could inspire me.

Sure enough, Pamela at Something Wagging This Way Comes had a post titled, “Do You Have Dreams For Your Dog?”  After reading the post I went to leave a comment, and as I started to write I realized, damn I’m gonna write a blog post.  So I shortened my comment and headed home.  Do you think that’s cheating? (Ok. Maybe.  But would you really want a 500+ word comment?)

This was the line that really resonated with me, “I know several people who never anticipated competing in dog sports until they realized their dog needed an outlet for their intelligence and energy.”

She hit the nail on the head.  Some dogs such as Sampson are quite content to live the couch potato life.  Hanging with his humans, sitting out in the yard while daddy works in the garage, and while he really does like his walk/hike, if he didn’t get it he would be okay with that too.

Delilah is the kind of dog that not only needs physical activity, she needs mental stimulation as well.  Even though there are many times I call her stupid (in my head of course) I realize that she really is extremely intelligent, which is where her need for mental stimulation comes into play.

I admit it took me a while to figure this out, but once I did I think she has become a happier dog, which in turn makes us much happier.

Truthfully I think I should probably do a bit more training or game playing with her every day, but I don’t always have the time.  When I do, or when I can tell that she is really bored, I will take out her Paw Hide toy or play hide the carrots.

Paw Hide

We have a schedule that includes physical exercise with a little mental stimulation thrown in.  On Saturday and Sunday we take at least an hour’s hike each day, with lots of running and sniffing.

In the winter on Mondays and Wednesdays they get a twenty-minute around-the-block leash walk, once the time changes and the days are longer, they will get at least a half hour hike.

Tuesdays and Fridays they get a half a day of daycare, and yes it’s true most days they don’t play a  lot, but they are awake the entire time and it is a different type of mental stimulation.

Thursday nights are obedience class, which is where Delilah really gets her mental stimulation.  Sampson just doesn’t care for it at all and I think I’m going to have Hubby start walking Sampson somewhere else, because I don’t think he should have to do it if he’s not enjoying it.

Last year the training center had drop-in agility classes on Saturday morning and I’m hoping Sara will start those up again, because Delilah really likes those classes.  Sampson of course does not, but I will take him with us just so he can socialize.  If we do the agility class then I won’t walk them for quite so long, but they will still get a walk.

So I guess the point to this blog is you need to find something your dog loves, that (s)he can have fun with, it will strengthen the bond you have with your dog and make for a happier everyone.

Thanks for the great idea Pamela, I think I got the dog I need, it just happens to be in two very different dogs. 🙂

Comments on: "The Dog I Need" (19)

  1. What a great post. It sounds like you’ve created a full menu of stimulation and exercise for Samson and Delilah. And I love how you respect the differences between them.

    Good thing you were able to get your perfect dog between Samson and Delilah. Otherwise you’d end up with a whole house full of puppies. 🙂

    • Thank you Pamela, although you deserve the credit!! Of course I want more, who doesn’t want more puppies? LOL

      But yes I like to think they have a pretty balanced routine, of course any opportunity I get to walk with them I do.

  2. Great post Jodi. It sure sounds as if Delilah keeps you busy too. Yeah, not every dog likes obedience, that’s for sure. Sampson’s probably like, what do I need this for. I’m the obedient on ALREADY, aren’t I?

    • “one” – as in the obedient “one”.
      Jeesh…you always see it after you hit “Post Comment”, you know?

      • Thank you Donna, she is a very busy girl that needs lots of interaction. Sampson prefers the cuddling kind of interaction. 🙂

        And believe it or not, I read it the way you intended it. 🙂

  3. I got the dog I need too. That Kolchak…he’s a live wire, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    • It’s funny, without the dogs I know I wouldn’t be walking even though I love it, so I guess…it all works out the way it is supposed to.

  4. Some great tips and insights Jodi. Sampson and Delilah are two lucky dogs – what a full and interesting week of activities!

  5. […] from Something Wagging This Way Comes, had posted on her Facebook page. It turned out to be a blog post by Jodi Stone of the blog named (funny enough) Jodi Stone. Jodi was responding to Pamela’s […]

  6. Great post. It sounds like you keep the doggies very busy. Retrievers do like to stay busy and challenged. We find it more difficult in the winter and are looking forward to the time change so that we will be able to get out in the evenings to train.

    • I agree, the winters are harder. It is very dark by the time you get home from work and then there’s the cold. I’m looking forward to the time change too, I can’t wait to hear more about training and how little Freighter starts out!!

  7. I really appreciate where you are coming from. It sounds to me like you have the best of both worlds! Sampson was the dog I pictured having when I decided I was ready to adopt. Delilah was what I received. Hopefully the next time I will be lucky and get the former rather than the latter. 😉

    • Kristine, if I had only stopped with Sampson, imagine how calm and serene my life would be. I think having him from a puppy helped, I really do. I think if we’d had Delilah from eight weeks old she’d be a different dog…..but then I’d have a pretty boring blog because Sampson is a good boy!!

      I know Shiva has taxed you, but you have made amazing progress with her. You should pat yourself on the back.

  8. Great post and so true! I used to (notice I said used to) take Cheyenne to dog shows for conformation, she would be all vocal and happy as we arrived but when she realized that this dog party included her going in the ring, well the ears went back and she sulked. So then about three years ago I decided to try to find something else we both would enjoy doing together, field work. Once she turned onto the birds she was a new girl and lives for the retrieve of her birds 🙂

    • You were smart to realize that wasn’t working for her and to find something else that she enjoys. When she enjoys it, you will enjoy it too! Because she succeeds at it.

  9. Lovely post… I especially like the idea that their powers combined (a la Captain Planet) is exactly what you need. 🙂

  10. […] The Dog I Need – Author’s Note […]

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