Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

Adventures In Daycare

I’ve mentioned before that Sampson and Delilah go to half a day of daycare twice a week.  Yesterday I turned down the street and was greeted by this sight.

Do they teach them to park this way?

My very first thought was, “God I hope it wasn’t my dogs” which was interrupted by the second thought of “Sara would have called me.”

I walked in with wide eyes and I think my mouth might have been open in shock but I can’t say with any certainty. :-0  Sara immediately burst out laughing and said to Diane (groomer) “Did you see her face?”

Naturally all the dogs are gathered at the gates, since the lobby is filled with two police officers and an old drunk guy and now me.  I notice the partially drunk bottle of alcohol sitting on the counter and put two and two together.

And (I love starting a sentence with ‘and’) then Sara says rather quickly, “Would you like your dogs?”

I nodded my head and remembered with dread that I’d forgotten Sampson’s leash at home.

I looked at Sara and tried to be nonchalant when I said, “I’ll have to take them separately, since I forgot Sampson’s leash this morning.”

I hear the female officer say to the male officer, “After we’re done with this, I’ll be in there.  You can call me if you need me.” And I think to myself, if I’m ever some drunk old gal on a bicycle, I hope I get this officer. 🙂

So Sara clipped Delilah and I brought her out to the car and about a half a minute later Sara came out with Sampson, using one of the small slip leashes they use for tying the dogs into the tub.

Sara tells me the story of how the drunk guy rides in on a bicycle, parks it against the building, walks in and says, “I need an ambulance.”

It’s a nice way to end your work week, don’t you think?  Not sure how it ended, but I’ll follow it up next Friday.

What are you doing??   This is the Saturday morning blog hop hosted by Two Little Cavaliers, Life With Dogs and Confessions of the Plume.

Hop on.

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Comments on: "Adventures In Daycare" (30)

  1. No wonder you are writing a book. 🙂

    We are going to have nice weather this weekend. Should be nice for training. Have a great Saturday!

  2. I sincerely hope that they leapt out of those cars, guns drawn and rolled across the bonnets Starsky & Hutch style. THAT would excuse the awful parking! 🙂

  3. lol, what a day! Glad it was nothing more serious and everyone was okay.

  4. OMGracious! I’m chuckling because it would appear you and I share the same “thinking” processes. Too funny. BUT, if he came in and said he needed an ambulance, why did he get two cops??????

    • Because whenever there is a 911 call placed, they sent fire, ambulance and police. I’m thinking when Sara said ‘drunk guy’ they figured police might be needed.

  5. Hey, it’s Jet here. Hi Miss Jodi. Mom shared that she would have had the same type of reaction. hmmmm… glad the K9s were fine… looking forward with curiosity to the rest of the story!

  6. Poor Jodi, you have had the week of weeks haven’t you? I hope your open mouthed entrance does not receive any further teasing from Sara or Diane. I also hope the drunk person was okay.

  7. We are glad everything was OK!! Just stopped by to say hi! Bark on by when you get a chance!!

  8. Hahahahaha……. Best Friday Yet at The Mellow Mutt…… Yes everyone is ok…. The ambulance came & took away our intoxicated visiter…..Jodi your face priceless. Lol. The man told us upon entering the lobby he didn’t mean any harm just wanted an ambulance & he just liked Dogs better then humans…. That’s why he chose our shop!!! Unfortunatly the dogs where NOT at all happy to see him!!! Very protective of Diane & I. Good Dogs!!!!

  9. I don’t even want to know what you imagined was going on when you pulled up at the daycare. After all, writers have vivid imaginations.

    • You know it’s true!! And usually on the dire side too. 🙂 The only way I think the police would be involved would be a dog bite and that would worry me if one of my dogs bit a person.

  10. What a funny day you had! Can’t wait to read your follow up next Friday!

  11. I had to chuckle at this, as you know I’ve been checking out new day-cares for Todd! I am just glad it wasn’t because the dogs got into something that the cops were called!! 🙂

    I hope all is well, and you enjoy the rest of your weekend!!

  12. That is too funny! Thanks for the laugh. I like how you wondered if your dogs had caused some sort of problem. I probably would have thought the same thing. I wonder why white lines are painted on pavement if no one uses them for parking! 🙂

    • I try, I try.

      I think the cops would try and block the door, that way if someone was trying to run it would be a bit more difficult. But that’s just my guess!!

  13. A few years ago the operators of my kid’s daycare called a plumber when a they discovered water leaking through the ceiling. The plumber called the cops when he discovered an abandoned grow-op on the second floor.

    I win. 🙂

  14. wantmorepuppies said:

    So dramatic! I can only imagine what you must have thought when you pulled up…

  15. […] Adventures In Daycare – Update […]

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