Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

Today is one of the days designated  “Blog the Change for Animals.”

I recently found out that CT has a law pending that will just about stop rescue organizations from bringing dogs in from other states.  Inspired by Kristine over at Rescued Insanity I decided to join the movement (my traditional follow-up post will be tomorrow) and write a letter to the Governor of CT.  What follows is what I wrote. 

Take the initiative and be the change for those who cannot speak for themselves!

Dear Governor Malloy, 

I am writing to beg you to veto the bill requiring rescue organizations to incur an additional $200 in expenses per rescued animal brought into CT. 

When I rescued my beautiful chocolate lab from American Lab Rescue four years ago, she came with a certificate of health and I was required to bring her to my vet within 30 days. Since her vaccinations could not be verified, the rescue group made sure she had the necessary shots.  When we discovered she had not been spayed, the rescue organization took responsibility and paid for her procedure. 

I received a beautiful pure bred lab for $375. Burdening a rescue group with an additional $200 in costs is going to increase the adoption fee, which in turn will limit people from rescuing animals in desperate need of homes; in many cases ensuring more animals are euthanized un-necessarily. 

The joy received from the relationship between a dog and an owner is immeasurable, if you yourself are a dog owner, you understand and if you are not, then you are truly lacking something beautiful in your life. I for one can say my life has been enriched by the experience of rescuing my beautiful dog. 

I believe the majority of rescue groups take the necessary precautions and assume responsibility if the representation of the dog is not accurate.  

In a world where so many things are wrong, please don’t punish something pure and good that benefits so many.  


Jodi Stone

Comments on: "Blog The Change For Animals….Day Two Hundred, Twenty Seven" (11)

  1. Thank you for participating in Blog the Change Day and for sharing the information about this pending legislation. As you mentioned, the additional cost could prevent many rescue groups from bring dogs into CT resulting in unnecessary euthanasia. I hope others will follow your example and ask Governor Malloy to veto the bill.

    Vicki Cook and Bunny’s Blog

  2. Now why in the world is that law necessary? Don’t the legislators have more important things to worry about? Good for you and great letter!

  3. Is the government just short on coffee money? I don’t understand how this bill would help prevent anything. Why not just instill a fine for rescues that don’t have something signed by a vet saying the dogs are up to date? That is still bullshit but it makes a little more sense. Better than charging per dog and basically saying no out of state dogs allowed. Thanks for bringing this important issue to everyone’s attention!

  4. The government is short on everything these days including common sense! Delilah was seen by a vet in Lousiana and because they didn’t have her medical records they gave her all the shots she would have had as a puppy. I had to follow-up on a few of the shots because they are a “series.” Total BS and I think once again they punish all for the few who screw up!

  5. Great post and what a wonderful advocate you are for the rescue groups! I think you are exactly right and the fact that they want to tack on more money to the cost of rescuing dogs is shameful! Every voice counts and I’m glad the rescue groups have you to write the Govt!

  6. Good for you, Jodi! Great, great letter. And good for all those dogs who need less burden upon them, not more.

    Government is so pro-business at the expense of real need, they can’t even see what kind of numbers these dogs bring in locally once adopted. Unbelievable. Talk in terms of those numbers, how much local revenue is generated by the billion dog industry, and I’ll bet you’ll turn some heads.

    Thanks for Blogging the Change!

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