Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

No Bells Or Whistles For Me

Today this little blog is one year old!!!!  Exactly one year ago today, I wrote my very first post.  Interestingly enough, it wasn’t about my dogs.

Before you go blowing horns and whistles, I have a confession.  I missed day forty-one.

It was the day after my granddaughter was born and I was taking care of my grandson. With all of the business associated with taking care of a toddler and running back and forth to the hospital, I plumb forgot about it.

I woke-up at 1:45 in the morning and realized I had missed the date, at which point it was too late.

So Jodi + Blogging 365 days in a row = FAIL.

But I don’t consider myself a failure, looking back at blog posts I wrote in the beginning and comparing them to the posts I write today, I can see how my writing has improved. I can see how I have grown as a person and a blogger.

I started this blog not knowing what I would write about, but I was determined to write.

I was so naive, I couldn’t even come up with a clever name for the blog, I just simply used my name.

In the beginning, my posts had no form, they were like one long paragraph.  I thought that was how a blog was supposed to look, I had no real idea what a blog was back then. 🙂  And how little I knew about blogging….

My first posts….had no tags  and were not categorized.

My first ping back…. I deleted as spam.  I didn’t even know what a ping back was.

I left comments up that I later found out….WERE spam.

Those first few months I was basing my blog posts about whatever struck my fancy.  It may have been a recipe one day and a current event the next.  I was searching for my voice, my passion as it were.  Round about Day Forty Six, I started writing about the dogs and Eureka, my voice was found.

So right now I want to thank you all for supporting me and hanging in there when I really didn’t know what I was doing, I wouldn’t be here writing today if it weren’t for all of you and I want you to know how much I appreciate you.

In honor of our blogoversary I’m going to do something I’ve never done before, I’m going to give something away. It will either be a toy or treat for your favorite furry friend and if you don’t have a pet, then I will humanize it.

All you have to do to enter this give away, is leave me a comment at the end of the blog.

Please make sure to leave your comment by end of day Sunday, I will choose the winner randomly and let you all know on Monday.

Oh and please don’t think just because my year is up I’m going to stop blogging.  You can’t get rid of me that easily. 🙂

Thank you again for the support, you will never know how much it means!

Comments on: "No Bells Or Whistles For Me" (17)

  1. Congrats Jodi!
    You’ve been doing a great job & I look forward to reading your posts every night!

  2. You deserve more then bells and whistles. You deserve fireworks. I cannot imagine blogging every single day (well except that one :)). Congratulations! I came in somewhere in the middle-ish I guess and have thoroughly enjoyed your posts.

  3. You are an inspiration to me as a blogger. I have not been at this for very long but I have thouroughly enjoyed your posts (even though I fall behind) I look forward to many more.

    Congratulations and keep on blogging my friend!!

  4. Happy blogoversary. Glad you have discovered the joy of blogging. It’s my favorite form of writing. Bloggers can choose their own topics and interact with readers as we get to know each other. I get sad when a blogger just drops out so please stay with it. I like coming here.

  5. Happy Blogithday! Keep them coming and I’m forward to another year! Even if it’s only 364 posts! 😛 You’re doing a great job!

  6. Frankie Furter said:

    HAPPY BLOGIVERSARY TO YOU. WOW… Only one missed day in the entire YEAR??? THAT is AMAZING. I don’t think ANYONE can Top THAT one!! Heck, I just took an Entire WEEK off…

    I am SOOOOOO very VERY much glad that you have joined the Blogville Community. We are a Super Duper Bunch.. and you add so much to it!!! THANK YOU.

    You know… ALL of our Blogs… Grow and Evolve just like REAL LIFE. I think that is the way it SHOULD be, Don’t You??? I mean when I furst started Blogging… I was a Young SINGLE Pup… Livin UP the Single Scene… THEN one day POOF… Ruby and Penny Stole my heart… THEN the Wedding… and Pawlitics… and meeting my cussin Francine (Shiver) and Now getting my very own PUPPY. YES… our blogs Need to change and GROW.
    YOU are a SUPER BLOGGER!!! CONGRATULATIONS… and may you enjoy many MORE years…

  7. Congratulations Jodi! So proud of you! I never noticed you missed a day at all! I have very much enjoyed your blog and I’ve made a point to read every single entry, it’s been a lot of fun. Hugs!

  8. Happy Blogaversary! I think it’s a HUGE accomplishment to have written 364 posts in one year!! And your first year to boot. Congratulations!

  9. What I want to know is, are you going to keep blogging every day or give yourself a break?

    Congratulations again on this major achievment! Maybe you missed a day due to a fantastic life-changing moment, but I am hardly going to persecute you for it. I haven’t read your earliest posts but I am going to have to. Isn’t it funny to think back to the day, not so long ago, when we had no freaking clue what we were doing? It’s craziness. Sometimes, I kind of miss the former freedom of having zero readers. But the community I’ve found more than makes up for whatever freedom loss I perceive.

  10. Congratulations Jodi. You have a great blog! It does take discipline and commitment. To have missed only one day in a year is an amazing achievement. I am looking forward to your next post!

  11. congrats – I think we can all forgive you for missing that one day 🙂
    happy to hear you’ll continue to blog

  12. Well, I am going to have to look and see what a ping back is because I don’t know. You continue to teach me new things! I am glad we met out in the blogosphere! Keep up the good work.


    Again, congratulations on your accomplishment. I’m happy to see a post about it because you really do deserve to celebrate it. So what if you missed day 41. The fact that it was only one day is really amazing. I totally agree with you: you succeeded!!!

    Also glad to hear you’ll keep blogging!

  14. Aw, happy blogiversary!

  15. Wow – a year? How awesome. Oh, but you missed that day your granddaughter was born. Shame on you (she says as she rolls her eyes). I think we can all forgive you. 🙂

    (I’m lucky if I turn out something readable once a week.)

    It must have been fun to go back through your old blog posts to see how your style and focus has changed over time…

    Congrats on the achievement!

  16. […] No Bells Or Whistles For Me – Author’s Note: […]

  17. I think you summed up the amazement all of us have experienced as we learn and grow while learning something new.

    Last year Amy Burkert of Go Pet Friendly and Edie Jarolim of Will My Dog Hate Me sponsored a look back at our blogs. It was a lot of fun to see why everyone started their blogs and why we all keep going.

    I understand they are planning to bring it back in January. I hope you’ll join in. I think you’ll find it a worthwhile addition to your private reflections on your year of blogging.

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