Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

Follow-Up Friday

For those new to the blog, my follow-up Friday provides me with an opportunity to update or revise a post from the previous week.

You know sometimes you post about something and you need an update but it doesn’t warrant a whole blog.  Or sometimes someone made a comment that really resonated with you.  Yup, Follow-Up Friday baby! 🙂

2012 Goals – Author’s Note

Many of you thought my goals were highly ambitious and I guess maybe they were, but you should know me by now.  I’m the one going Mock 2 with my hair on fire.

That’s just how I roll, I want to succeed with my writing and am determined to do so.

Blog The Change, BE The Change – Author’s Note

I was surprised that no-one thought I was whacked out in that post.  I mean, I really do believe in harsher penalties for animal abusers,  I thought my idea of the stockade in the center of town would get some flack, but you guys didn’t blink an eye.  Although at least one you was amused at the image of me with rotten tomatoes in my hands climbing down off a soap box. 🙂

Charitable Acts – Author’s Note

Some of you wrote in saying you used the grinding tool for your dog’s nails and you didn’t have to worry about cutting the quick.  We thought the grinder would be a good idea as well, but they were almost impossible to get when they first came out because everyone wanted one.  We finally got one and poor Sampson is terrified of it, I can’t stand his trembling while Hubby tries to file.  I put it away in the back of the closet and some lucky person will be able to pick it up for like $5 bucks at my tag sale. 🙂

Never A Dull Moment – Author’s Note

I’ve been wanting to write about Delilah’s habit of jamming her head between my legs for a long time, but truthfully, it sounds weird.  I really do think it would be a funny picture and might try to get a picture of it, she doesn’t always do it when there is someone around to take a picture though. 🙂

This morning when she did it, I decided to walk with her and see if I can teach her WALK  so I can complete Pamela at Something Wagging’s challenge to train your dog month. 

I had originally thought I would try to teach Delilah to roll over, but when I was preparing food and watching how high she was jumping, I started teaching her to jump up and put her two front paws on my hip.  Why?  I don’t know really, I was just thinking if I ever decide to enter a dance competition with her it might be a cool trick.

Which is also the same reason I am teaching her to walk with her head between my legs.  Just in case I decide to enter a dance competition with my dog.

Yeah, that’s it.

I would have to say we’ve had a pretty good week, and how was yours?

Book update: My book has 3,650 words.

Comments on: "Follow-Up Friday" (11)

  1. I like that you are putting the word count to your book at the end of each post. It looks like you are doing a great job. Our computer was down for a couple days, so I got behind on my writing. I think that seeing your progress will keep me motivated to continue writing my book, so thanks for that!

    I also like how you speak your mind – for instance “Blog the Change.” I admire your honesty:)

    • Mary Ann, I stole the idea of the word count from Donna at Donna and the Dogs. It helps hold me accountable and it encourages me to write. I certainly don’t want to publish a post that has the same word count as the last post. hehe

      As you get to know me better you will find that honesty is my best and worst trait. For instance, don’t ask me if a dress looks good on you, because if it doesn’t I will be sure to tell you. 🙂

      Good luck with your book, I can’t wait to read it.

  2. I like your idea to train ‘walk’ for the TYDM Challenge. I’m trying to teach Kolchak to scent on command with some K9 Nosework training. It’s a lot of fun!

  3. Sounds like Delilah will have a lot of tricks. You really should enter a dance contest and make a video. 🙂

  4. So THAT was the post you were waiting for the photo of. I was wondering. I’m still trying to get a photo of Meadow rearranging dead worms so I can write about THAT. I guess with the snow, I will have to wait a while…

    • That isn’t the post. 😦 The post I am waiting for is actually a video of Sampson. When he does what I want to record I don’t have a camera ready, when I have the camera ready he doesn’t do it. 🙂

  5. Can’t wait for THAT picture.

    Good job on the book.

  6. Thanks Big Al, it may be a while. 🙂

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