Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

W.T.F. Wednesday

Warning, you are about to enter……the Potty Mouth Zone.

If you know me, you should know I am prone to swearing.

Honestly, sometimes the ‘F’ word comes out of my mouth more often than not.  My husband was in the military, he’s finally (after 22 years of marriage) toned it down some, but in the beginning it wouldn’t be out of the norm for him to say, “Pass the f***ing” salt.  It was one of his bad habits that I picked up. 😦

Oh I try, I really do but to me, the ‘F’ word can really make a statement much more powerful.

One of my favorite examples is Custer’s last stand. When you compare these two sayings, I think it’s very clear which one is more powerful.

Custer, “Where did all those Indians come from?”


Custer, “Where did all those f***ing Indians come from?”

You get my point?

Sometimes I like to use the military terminology, “Whiskey, Tango, Foxtrot” but most of the time “What the f***” is what comes out.  Of course if I’m texting, it’s WTF.

Basically I decided to take a play on Wordless Wednesday and change it to WTF Wednesday.  It may be a weekly post or it may just be an occasional one, I’m not sure yet.  But what inspired it was some news stories regarding animals I’ve seen in the last week.

Mitt Romney

Usually I don’t watch the news, I find it too disturbing, which is probably why I missed the Mitt Romney story when he ran for office in 2008.  If you haven’t heard about it (were you under the same rock as me?) you can read the whole article here.  The gist of it is, he put his dog in a crate and strapped it to the roof of his car and drove for 12 hours.

From what I can gather, he did this quite often and both he and his wife swear that the dog liked it.  Except for the time the dog was sick and messed all over the car.  According to Mrs. Romney it was because the dog got into some turkey on the counter and the dog had the ‘runs,’ and had absolutely nothing to do with cars and tractor-trailer trucks flying by them on the highway, while he was strapped in a crate to the luggage rack, and the  luggage rode comfortably inside the car.

The incident took place about 30 years ago, and I realize it was a different time and animals were treated differently but Mitt, WTF?  Really?

Then as if I wasn’t mad enough his response when asked if he’d do it again was, “Certainly not with the attention it’s received.”

Ok, so what you’re saying is if people didn’t know and react negatively, you’d do it again?

Again Mitt, WTF?

Then I started thinking (tongue in cheek) maybe this wouldn’t be such a bad trait to have in a president.  If terrorist were to say….take his wife or one of his children hostage and they let’s say…..shit their pants, well he certainly wouldn’t bend.

He would simply say, they liked being held hostage.  He could take all the emotion out of the situation.

Man Pulls Horse Behind Truck

Yes it happened in CT about 20 minutes from where I live.  I saw it on my facebook news feed and was totally disgusted.  After reading the article I could follow the old guy’s reasoning but still old guy, WTF?

You don’t drag ANY living thing behind a f***ing truck!!

That’s it for my WTF Wednesday.  What did you think?  Siriously, if you hate it, I won’t do it again.

Comments on: "W.T.F. Wednesday" (33)

  1. I should probably be ashamed of the number of times a day the F word crosses my lips…but I’m not. In fact, it takes a conscious effort to make sure I don’t curse on Kol’s Notes. Thank Dog! for my catch phrases “What the Woof?”, “bark off” and “woofing”. I wouldn’t survive otherwise. (Though you tend to think in those terms and then one day, you’re “debating” the delivery schedule with one of your truckers and you say “That is woofing ridiculous” and all of the sudden *you’re* the crazy one. Woof that!)

    • Me too Jodi, me too. I say that word far too frequently. 🙂 I like bark off and my sister says ‘shut the front door’ where I say, shut the f*** up. LOL I suppose I should practice like you, why just yesterday I caught myself saying ‘pawesome.’ Go figure.

  2. I vote for doing it again! This is hilarious. I laughed out loud reading the Romney section. And I missed the CT horse story and I agree with you — WTF!? I might even jump on the WTF Wednesday bandwagon — there sure is some worthy material all around! Thanks for a good laugh this evening.

    • Sherri, go for it!! Let’s see if we can start a trend.

      Glad you liked it, I’m finding my way in humor writing so lots of feed back is needed.

  3. Siriusly, WTF Wednesday is f’ing fantastic!

  4. Looooove it!!! And F**** it!!! Do it again!!!;)

  5. ARRRGGGGHHH!!! (That’s me swearing.) The dog on the luggage rack is sick. I’m not up to snuff on American politics but isn’t MR one of your presidential hopefuls?

    BTW, don’t you have that really cool blog for rants? 🙂

    • Ah, yes MR is the front running Republican at the moment, it makes me ashamed to call myself a Republican.

      Thanks for the support, yes I do like to rant but don’t want to offend or turn off readers. 🙂

  6. Bluff Country Shepherdess said:

    I think it’s a F’ing GREAT idea!

  7. Yes I agree with so far everyone, do it again. this is a side of you i never read before. I have to say I like

  8. Haha, you might be not be surprised that I don’t think either one is WTF for me. 🙂 As long as the dog was in a crate and secured, what difference in the back of a pickup or on the luggage rack? As for the guy with the horse, as long as he was careful and went slow it should not have been an issue. Why didn’t the people who took the pics stop to help? Hey at least neither ate the dog as our current President has done (talk about WTF! that is WTF for me).

    • LOL I am not surprised in the least that neither one is a WTF for you! Does that surprise you?

      The dog in the crate? Different times different mindset. Not what I would do today but also not the response I would give if I was running for president. 😉

      Initially I had the same mindset as you with the horse, except I saw the photo where the horse fell down. And the person who took the picture was screaming at the man. Personally I would have put a bridle on it and rode it home or guided it. But that’s just me. 🙂

      As for the dog eating from the president, well again I have a different mindset on that, a six year old in a land where they eat dogs, way different than serving it here.

      Oh the debates you and I could have. 🙂

      • But would you admit to eating the dog? haha

      • When did he write the book? Was it before or after he threw his hat in the ring.

        And yes, I would have admitted it if I’d done it. Not proudly but apologetically.

      • Hope this goes in the right place…I think it was in preparation for running for prez, but not sure.

        So since we are talking about transporting doggies I will share a secret (not a secret now I guess). We ordered a dog trailer but it won’t be ready until probably August (we are waiting on a more precise date). So excited, but most people we tell are like WTF? 😆 But at least we won’t be strapping them to the roof…

      • LOL thank you for not strapping them to the roof, I imagine this trailer is climate controlled, with areas for securing crates? Will you be sharing this on your blog, with pictures?

        People who aren’t ‘dog people’ wouldn’t understand the trailer, but I do. 🙂 At least when you travel you will have room for your luggage…..

      • I will post about it eventually. I only have pictures of big ones, ours will be small and they are customizing it a bit for us. It will have a built in ventilation system and water tank. 🙂

  9. Frankie Furter and Ernie said:

    I LIKE it!!! Not what “THEY” did.. your WTF thingy!! My mom and dad like to drop the F bomb … frequently. heheheh

  10. Paaaaahaaaaaa! I always suspected you could make a sailor blush.

    Isn’t Mitt the forerunner to be the presidential candidate over there once the other bloke throws in the towel, which, according to the news this morning, he’s not quite ready to do? That’s a worry. I’m guessing there isn’t much choice.

    And doesn’t WTF mean ‘why the face’? What’s so wrong with that. Snigger.

    • Sailor? I can make more than a sailor blush, I assure you!!

      Yes, Mitt is the leading Republican candidate to challenge Mr. Obama, somehow I think he will fall short.

  11. My evil twin Skippy covers things on her blog that my more G-rated blog covers, but I will confess to being a potty mouth in real life. To me f**k is more offensive than fuck. The **’s just draw attention to what should be just a strong word.

    • I’ve checked out Skippy’s blog….she’s a bit of a dirty girl. 😉 just the kind I like!

      I thought of that but considering how frequently I was using the word, I was afraid I might offend someone. 🙂

  12. julesmelfi said:

    It seems that the f-bomb is quite popular in many of our households (ours included!) our new favorite saying is “Oh, For f***s sake” –

    I saw it on a blog the other day as “FFS” and of course, I immediately knew what it was! I almost fell off of my chair laughing 🙂 Please continue your WTF Wednesday . . I love it!

    • Thanks Jules….I have not heard of FFS but will try and incorporate that into my vocabulary! LOL

      My favorite time to use it is to slip it in when someone is not expecting it and then go “oops, I’m so sorry, please pardon my language” (as if I really give a shit.):-)

  13. This is great Jodi – and I think you should keep it up. Very original. I heard about the Romney thing, and WTF is a nice way to put it. LOL!

    I hadn’t heard about the horse….what is wrong with people?

    • The guy was 86 years old. He said the horse ran off and he needed to get it back to his place. He said the horse tried to fight him when he tried to walk it so he tied it behind his truck. It really is WTF. I would have ridden it home! LOL

  14. […] W.T.F. Wednesday – Author’s Note […]

  15. […] Yes back by popular demand is W.T.F. Wednesday.  If you missed the first one, you can find it here. […]

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