Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

W.T.F. Wednesday

Warning, you are about to enter….the Potty Mouth zone.

Yes back by popular demand is W.T.F. Wednesday.  If you missed the first one, you can find it here.

These are my W.T.F.’s from this past week, brought to my attention via internet news sites, facebook or twitter.

Springfield Man Arrested For Stomping On Hawk  via Facebook

The police just happened to be cruising down the street when they slowed down to take a picture of a hawk feasting on its prey.  All of a sudden a man appeared and threw a log at the bird, then took a candlestick he was holding and hit the bird again.  The officers reacted but apparently not before the man had begun to stomp on the bird.

Now listen, I won’t lie to you, I’m not a bird lover myself …I don’t put birdseed out in my yard, but I do draw the line at stomping on birds.  Especially a Hawk.

I think that bird could F*ck. You. Up.

W.T.F. George McKenzie you are 64 f*cking years old, have you learned nothing in your life?  W.T.F. was running through your mind?  Did a hawk piss in your Cheerios or did you just get up on the wrong side of bed and think, “I’m gonna stomp on the first thing I see?”

You better hope that bird doesn’t get the word out to his support system, you won’t be able to walk down the street without a bird shitting on your head.

Oh and when you get out of jail, invest in some windshield washer fluid, I have a feeling you’re going to need it.

Seen on Twitter…..posted by PupFan

Saw woman playing w/phone & walking dog on Flexi leash. Dog almost got run over when he walked into an intersection. #wtf #irresponsible

W.T.F. irresponsible is right, PupFan.

Number one, doesn’t everyone know not to walk dogs on Flexi leashes?  Have you ever dropped one of those bad boys?  Yeah, they make a loud noise AND they chase your dog.

Which….yes, yes you know makes your dog run faster.

Number two, pay attention to your dog!  They are valuable and precious and bring so much joy. Put your phone down and enjoy your time together!

They are also a lot harder to walk after they’ve been hit by a f*cking car.

And Finally from our esteemed NFL players.

I know you’re wondering…..W.T.F. are NFL players doing on a dog blog.  I promise if you follow it through, you’ll see how it all makes sense.

The “Bounty” Scandal.

The way I understand it, some of the coaches and players of the Super Bowl Champion New Orleans Saints participated in a bounty program.  The accusation is that  opposing players had ‘bounties’ on their heads and if you were the players that ‘took them out’ you won the pool because you ‘brought the pain.’

W. T. F.?

Siriously, New Orleans. W. T. F. ?

You thought it was ok to hurt Brett Favre and Kurt Warner but somehow no-one ever tossed Michael Fucking Vick’s name into the pool? W.T.F. is wrong with you?

Who do I talk to about rectifying this?  Does anyone tweet with Sean Payton? Does anyone know to to put a paypal widget on WP blog? 😉

These are the things that left me shaking my head and muttering…..W.T.F.  How about you, what made you say, “W.T.F.” this week?


Comments on: "W.T.F. Wednesday" (33)

  1. Oh god, I read about the hawk and I thought, this is not funny at all. 😦 But you managed to make light of it Jodi, and I love your idea about Michael Vick! And could you imagine Meadow with a flexi lead chasing her? Just the image made me crack up (only cause I’d never do something like that to her, of course…I hate those damn things) Thanks for the laughs! Now that I got my last laughs in for the night, off to make dinner….

    • Just came back to clarify – what you wrote was hilarious. It was the image of the ass stomping on the hawk that wasn’t funny. Great post – keep ’em coming Jodi!

      • Thank you Donna, you are very much like me…..worry that people will take what you say in the wrong context. I appreciate you clarifying, although I’m sure at some point I’ll end up taking flack from something I said. 🙂

  2. Oh-oh! JD was reading along on the computer tonight and he saw this post. He’s going to say something about it in tomorrow’s post on MY blog. He’s been hogging an awful lot of space on MY blog lately, so believe me, I’m not too thrilled with it, but Mom says that since JD is a rescue ~ and available for adoption ~ and you brought up Michael (WTF) Vick, that JD should have the opportunity to speak his mind.

    I hope he keeps it clean!

    Your Pal,

    P.S. Mom was excited to see that WTF Wednesday was BACK!

    • I can’t wait to hear what JD has to say, Hero. Michael Vick is a touchy subject….some people feel he’s paid his due and truthfully we have murderers that receive forgiveness before he will, but it still riles me up when I think of it. I wish he would be doing something positive for animals!

  3. The NFL commissioner came down really heavy on the Saints. I don’t think this will ever happen again. I’m a big NFL fan and I was appalled by the whole thing, but I think it has been handled well.

    • Yes he did Jan. I can’t believe it actually happened. This is where professional athletes piss me off. They make scads of money and they should be role models for society.

  4. Oh, and Vick got beat up pretty well this year even without a bounty. He whined about his bad treatment. Karma

    • And you’re right on that point as well. He did get a concussion but what the hell, that’s a lot less than ‘his’ dogs got. I like to think there’s a special place in hell for people like Michael Vick.

  5. julesmelfi said:

    WTF is wrong with people? Stomping on a hawk? Is he INSANE?? And the person on the cell phone? MORON! 🙂 I love WTF Wednesday, it makes my day 🙂

  6. LOL I love WTF – Nancy over at Mango and Dexters adventures started it awhile back and I just love it 🙂 I always can find something that makes me want to say, WTF! hahahaha.

    • I had no idea that someone else had already started WTF Wednesday!! Here I was thinking I was all original…..LOL I guess I’m going over to see what Nancy has to say. Thanks Kari!

      • LOL I didnt mean it like that – 🙂 I thought I was original the first time I did it too 🙂

      • I didn’t take it that way at all!! I just figure if someone else has already started it, I need to give credit where credit it due! 🙂

        And one of your WTF Wednesdays was what inspired me. I knew you had done it, I just didn’t know it was reoccuring.

  7. Michelle said:

    I love WTF Wednesdays!!
    But I walk my dog on a flexi leash & I’m extremely responsible w/my dog!!

    • Michelle FYI the retractable leash will make a dog that pulls, pull worse. But if it works for you, you won’t get any flack from me. 😉 Thanks for reading!

  8. I shouldn’t find any of this funny but you’re cracking me up.

    I hope that man gets shat on till he dies. I’m not a bird fan either but that’s just cruel. As for flexi leashes or any other long unretracted leash…well, my blog is named blahblah for a reason and it isn’t because I have a littledog. I love your WTF Wednesdays.

    • And that is the tricky part. I am by no means finding the deeds funny, I just want to pick on the idiots that do the stupid things. The hard part about writing WTF Wednesday is to try and make sure that no-one thinks I find the mistreatment of animals funny. thanks for reading!

  9. Wow that hawk story is just plain odd. Sounds like the NFL has passed out stiff penalties in the “bounty” scandal. The question is will the players union prevail in their appeal of the penalties?

    • I heard that they were all appealing the penalties and we will see what transpires from that. It wouldn’t seem likely to me (anyway) that only one team would be doing it.

      Yes the hawk story was bizarre. What makes someone even get that idea in their little pea brain?

  10. Frankie Furter and Ernie said:

    And “THEY” call certain of OUR Breed.. MEAN??? What is up with Peeps????

  11. Jodi, you made my day ! Thanks for the smiles.

  12. Jodi, you did it again! Hahaha, hilarious. This part is my favorite:

    “Number one, doesn’t everyone know not to walk dogs on Flexi leashes? Have you ever dropped one of those bad boys? Yeah, they make a loud noise AND they chase your dog.”

    They totally do chase dogs. Creepy.

    And yes, seriously, get off of the phone people and pay attention to your dog! Doing otherwise has become my pet peeve.

    • Thanks Sherri, it is a tough line to walk. I don’t ever want people to think I don’t feel for the animals in these circumstances. I just want to draw attention to the idiots involved.

      There is a woman where I walk and almost everytime I meet her she is on her phone while her dogs are off doing dog knows what. Pay attention, your lack of attentiveness could be to the detriment of your dog!

      • I actually think that your WTF Wednesdays are providing a service by bringing attention to some of the goings-on around us. I had no idea about the hawk story and am glad that you brought it to my attention. So not only should I thank you for the laughs but I should also thank you for the information.

  13. You crack me up–I love your WTF Wednesday. I hope the Hawk was OK–I can’t imagine that!

  14. Awesome post! You really know how to rant! I always feel guilty right afterwards, which is ridiculous.

    We once used a flexi leash with Shiva – can you even imagine? She broke it within the first two days, ripped the cord clean out of the plastic handle. It’s too bad we didn’t have video as I am sure the expression on my face was priceless. Oh, the things I didn’t know…

    Thanks for the laugh! I really needed it!

    • Kristine I think your tagline sums that up pretty well….’have you ever seen a tornado on a leash?’ LOL I can’t imagine it.

      I can’t feel guilty about stupid people, they have the opportunity to learn that I had, they just haven’t. If I get to call them stupid…..well that’s their problem! LOL

      Your PH had a pretty good rant! I vote him captain!

  15. […] W.T.F. Wednesday – Author’s Note […]

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