Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

Ouch THAT Bit Me!

Friday evening I was walking the dogs along a path we don’t take too frequently.  Sampson had run ahead and Delilah was close on the end of her leash investigating a bush.

All of a sudden Delilah jumped straight up and backed away from where she was sniffing. I called her to me my side and stroked her head in an effort to comfort her.

Since I know we have garter snakes in the woods, I stopped and listened but I didn’t hear the distinct rustle of a snake through brush.  None-the-less I cautiously approached the area and looked around (without poking,) but couldn’t see anything.

I called Delilah indicating it was alright to follow me.  I know she was still spooked because as she approached that particular area she jumped over that portion of the trail.

The rest of our walk continued without incident.

Yesterday while we were walking Delilah jumped and twisted her head around to look at her back.  I noticed a fly on her and I swatted it away but I’m pretty sure it was a deer fly and I’m pretty sure it bit her.  I say that because as we were readying for our walk this morning, she kept turning around again and looking at her back.

I had no idea there were such a thing as deer flies until last year when I got bit by one.  At the time I thought it was a horse fly but the deer fly is actually much smaller, oh and did I mention they bite.

After the attack of the bugs last year I went out and bought one of those electric rackets, you know the one I mean.

Photo courtesy of

I’m siriusly thinking of bringing it with me on my walk tomorrow.  I will swing that racket and I will smote those bugs like Lord Voldemort smote the Death Eaters and Goblins after the Huffle Puff Horcrux was stolen from Gringotts.

So if you happen to be in my area tomorrow and hear someone screaming “Avada Kedavra,” make sure you maintain a safe distance. 🙂

Comments on: "Ouch THAT Bit Me!" (18)

  1. Laura horn said:

    LOL . . . we have one of those things that we’re using to bat at regular flies . . . they are EVERYWHERE!!!!

  2. LOL… I couldn’t stop laughing when I read the last part about Harry Potter!

  3. Do they make small sized ones that fit into holsters? Now that would be classy. 😉

  4. Can’t wait to hear how the racket works for you! I’m betting it’s going to be a bad bug season with no winter. Think I need something electric in the way of a hat to wear when gardening. Maybe one of those beanie caps with longer pieces that whirl around our heads so the bugs stay away from our faces.

  5. Michelle said:

    Lmao! I know I said yesterday’s was my favorite post but this one just took the cake! I really did LOL! I want one of those tennis rackets!!!

  6. Hahaha! I had one of those a very long time ago.

  7. Deer flies, nasty, nasty things. The thing I do not like about Spring is the bugs. At the cabin we have all the assorted nasty biting things and gnats too. Boy do the nasty biting bugs love dark colored dawgs.

  8. Awww poor pup! We were at the river and I was just waiting to be bit by one of those things. Poor pups had them on their head and I would try and swat them off but they either moved or kept coming back. I never saw them react though so maybe they didn’t get bit… or they are just used to it??

    I like that racket, I say bring it with you lol. Sometimes one of the horse flies will really get hot on your trail and not leave you alone till they bite. Hate it.

  9. Those deer flies are such a pain! And painful! Glad to hear you’ll be well-prepared:)

  10. I had no idea they had electric rackets like that! Ohhhhh….boy, I have got to get me one of those!

  11. kimberlywnva said:

    We have one of those little rackets too and it works great–Our boy Josh is a little afraid of it because I accidentally (and I do mean accidentally) let him put his nose on it. I felt terrible…It was an ‘ouch’ for him too… I’ve not thought of taking it on a walk with me, that would work great–I wonder what I could take with me for snakes? ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ ENJOY YOUR DAY!!*´¨)

    PS: THANK YOU for the kind thoughts for Sam, I so appreciate it!!

  12. In the Adirondacks, everyone wears long sleeves and netting over their faces during biting fly season. I don’t even want to think of what S&D would look like covered in net. 🙂

    The good news I’ve heard is that after you get bitten enough, you become more immune to them. Or is it just nerve damage?

  13. Poor Delilah! Deer fly bites hurt! My sister was bitten as a baby and sustained a scar just below her eye for almost two decades after. If you know where to look, you can still kind of see the mark today.

    There is something so wrong about those rackets, and yet so right…

  14. OMG – I have never heard or seen of a racket like the one discussed in your post above, but am in love! Thanks so much for introducing me to this amazing piece of equipment.

    My dog and I can’t stand bugs and critters, which thankfully isn’t a day to day issue because we live in NYC, but when we go to the country we are out of our minds. I hope precious Delilah is doing much better post deer bug bite (poor sweet baby).

  15. snoopys@snoopysdogblog said:


    I’ll be sure to stay clear!! 🙂 I don’t think the flies will want to be messing with you guys anymore…. 🙂

    Have fun,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  16. Please let me know how the racquet works. I’m in Florida and the mosquitoes are literally swarming. My girl gets it bad and she actually looks forward to the hydrocortisone cream we put on her bites.

  17. […] Ouch THAT Bit Me! – Update: […]

    if you can find that stuff at a store somewhere (they sold it at Target and Whole Foods in Louisiana) it’s really good and completely herbal so you don’t have to worry about weird chemical things like DEET or whatnot. as soon as i forgot to use it in LA i ended up COVERED in mosquito bites 😦 this stuff would probably be safe to use on the dogs too, unless they have any herbal allergies. some of the customer reviews say it even works for biting flies and it’s pretty cheap so it can’t be that bad! i’m working on a recipe for it (based on the ingredients) using grapeseed or jojoba oil instead of soybean oil. cedarwood essential oil is also a good bug repellant and it’s pretty cheap too!

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