Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

WTF/Whoo Hoo Wednesday

In the effort to preserve my sanity and stop myself from falling into a deep depression, I have decided to limit my WTF Wednesday.  When I come across a really vile, disgusting story of torment or misery to an animal, I am going to bypass that story. It’s for my own self-preservation.

Please note this post is not meant to make light of the deeds described here, only to make fun of, ridicule, bully and just plain beat the shit out of the idiots who commit these stupid acts.

This week in honor of Corbin’s third birthday, this WTF/Whoo Hoo Wednesday will be about Pit Bulls.

Penfield, Pennsylvania – Owner of pitbull shot by Deputies speaks out.

Yet another story of a law enforcement official shooting a dog because it was a Pit Bull.  Once again it seems the deputy in question was at the wrong house and shot an approaching dog.

This makes me wonder, WTF is wrong with our police officers?  The cop says the dog was dangerous, yet every other person who actually KNOWS the dog, has said he was the sweetest, friendliest dog.  Naturally the cops are standing together.

I think when an officer fires his weapon, whether it be at human, animal or inanimate object (with the exception of targets) they should be required to have a psychological evaluation and be put on a minimum of one year’s desk duty.

What kind of power issues are going on with these people?  Is the urge to fire your weapon at a living, breathing being that over-powering?

Why don’t you head over to Afghanistan, I’m sure one of the soldiers on their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th tour would happily switch places with you.

Whoo Hoo Wednedsay!

Beachwood, New Jersey – Rescued Pit Bull Saves Owner’s Life

What a heart-warming story.  A little one-year old Pit Bull rescued from a drug house became the rescuer when her owner fell ill on a walk.  This little gal ran down the path until she encountered a man.

The man was prepared to take the ‘lost’ dog back to his office, but she refused to go with him. Instead she pulled him in the direction of her unconscious owner.   The man called 9-1-1 and the owner received medical care.

“Yes, this is the vicious breed of dog that needs to be banned as a family pet” she said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.  

How was your week?  Did you hear any WTF or Whoo Hoo stories?

Comments on: "WTF/Whoo Hoo Wednesday" (8)

  1. Frankie Furter and Ernie said:

    I can CERTAINLY understand… not wanting to see read or hear about all the sad things that go on. I know that I try my best to NOT see read or hear about it myself. I am not in denial … I simply know that some things are, SADLY, beyond my ability to prevent.

    • I’m not in denial either Frankie, it just breaks my heart and makes me sad, so I can’t focus on it, I have to find a way to focus on the good. You are right, we can’t prevent it and that makes me even sadder.

  2. Whenever a police officer shoots a dog, and it happens far too often, a certain segment of the public goes off on how out of control the police are. This is the worst kind of PR for the department.

    Meter readers and mailmen don’t shoot dogs and they have more dangers from dogs than policemen do.

    • It is bad for the police department Jan, but really why are they shooting dogs? You are right meter and mail people face far more danger and they don’t shoot. Is the reason because they don’t carry a gun or do the police feel they are above the law?

  3. I love Jan’s point about mail carriers. If they can find a way to not get bitten by every dog who greets them, I am sure police officers can as well.
    This is not good police work, plain and simple. I am sure most officers would agree.

    I love a good animal rescue story! Thanks for sharing the news about the clever little puppy. 🙂

  4. I wonder about the training law enforcement officers receive…is there any emphasis on the use of restraint? Some people just shoudln’t carry guns. You’d think these people would be weeded out during training, but I guess that’s too much to ask.

    Thanks for posting the story about that sweet pittie girl. One story that needs to be broadcast far and wide!

  5. The police do a difficult job. I don’t think they set out to shoot people or dogs and I certainly do not think they should be assigned desk duty should they have to use a tool of their job. Not saying it is the case here, but many times they are responding to a situation where a crime has been committed and they have no idea what they may find, so I am not going to second guess them. However, I do think that there should be different training given for dealing with animals. I am not sure I know the solution, but their must be lesser force that can be used.

    A mailman is not really a good comparison. I don’t think criminals are out there gunning for the mail carrier. But more importantly, a mail carrier (or meter reader) can choose to leave a dangerous situation, whereas a cop must go directly toward it. Around here mailmen don’t even get out of their little trucks so it is very unlikely that they will come into contact with a potentially dangerous dog.

    So in the story that you linked to, why was pit bull out wandering around loose? What responsibility does the owner bear? It really isn’t the same situation as when the cops bang down a door in my opinion. People if you own a pit bull do not let it wander around. You need to keep it leashed and under control!

  6. […] WTF/Whoo Hoo Wednesday – Author’s Note […]

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