Life with Sampson and Delilah….The 411

Christmas Miracle

The doorbell rang.

Bosco and Banjo the family’s two dogs tore from the living room. Bosco hit the scatter rug, landed on his rump and slid into position in front of the door, where Banjo joined him a few seconds later, both dogs barking furiously.

Janet shouted over the noise of the television, children and barking dogs “Eric, can you get the door?”

The doorbell rang again. Janet took a deep, calming, cleansing breath, raised her voice an octave and shouted again “Eric! My hands are covered in flour, can you please get the door!”

This time her words rang out as a command rather than a request.

The doorbell rang one more time. Janet rolled her eyes and reached for a towel. The last thing she wanted to deal with today was another donation seeker.

Already stretched to her budget’s limits, she prayed the cause would be frivolous, ensuring no guilt when she said, “I’m sorry it’s not in our budget this month.”

With Eric’s unemployment running out and no jobs to be found Christmas was going to be difficult enough this year.

The doorbell rang again, and Janet snatched the door open, the words “Good grief” dying on her lips at the sight which greeted her.

“Merry Christmas ma’am” the man from the local fire department, dressed liked Santa thrust a basket filled with wrapped gifts into her hands.

Another basket filled with food, was set at her feet, “Christmas blessings to you and yours” said a woman dressed like Mrs. Clause. 

Janet stared stunned, at the crowd of Carolers gathered at her front door.  She lifted her eyes to heaven, found and focused on the Christmas Star.

Two tears rolled down her cheeks,  and as the Carolers burst into “Joy To The World,” snow began to fall.

(After reading a post at Gone For A Walk, I checked out Write On The Edge [I really do learn so much from all of you!] and decided to try my hand at one of their writing prompts.  I can’t wait to hear what you think.)

Comments on: "Christmas Miracle" (58)

  1. Laura Horn said:

    OMG – Jodi, did you write this??? I have tears in my eyes. Good Grief you are really getting GOOD!!!!!!! 😀

  2. What a beautiful miracle.

  3. Well done! Brought a tear to my eye. Congrats on your first RemembeRED– feels great, doesn’t it?

  4. Nice story. This is indeed the season of miracles.

  5. Lovely story Jodi. It brought a lump to my throat.

  6. Great story – you made me tear up!

  7. Very touching! Add me to the list of those who are teary eyed after reading.

  8. aww, so sweet 🙂 I love the hectic atmosphere of the story – you captured the stress of the holidays, and more.

    • What is it about the holidays that make us stress so? You’d think with family around maybe it wouldn’t be quite so hectic, wouldn’t you?

  9. This is so lovely! I really enjoyed that moment of realization when we know we’ve been frustrated to no purpose, and are instead very pleasantly surprised. 🙂 You captured that very well, and it’s also lovely to read a story about giving!

    • Thanks Venus, it sort of reminded me of my Thanksgiving day when it started poorly but then I received a surprise phone call from my nephew in Afghanistan.

  10. That is beautiful and joyful. I’m tearing up too! Hope your season is full of gifts and warmth, not to mention wags and wonder 🙂

  11. This post was truly in the Christmas spirit!

  12. I just found you through 2BrownDawgs blog, and so glad I did! This post touched my heart, and it’s only my first visit to your blog – it was written so well, like a story.
    I’ve subscribed to your wonderful blog, as I love hearing about other people’s dogs (I am a dog lover too).

  13. Wonderful story, very touching and such a great reminder that our needs will be met. I can’t wait to read more.
    I have another writer friend you might like to check out her blog at she is a wonderful writer, I had the pleasure of reading one of her books in draft form and I loved it.

  14. I like it! You did a nice job of writing this piece of fiction, which is very different from what you usually write.

    I could feel the main character’s frustration.

    Nicely done. Hope to see you on Write on Edge more:)

    • Thanks Mary Ann, it’s funny even though you’ve written about this exercise it didn’t click until today. I look forwad to doing more of these prompts.

  15. Wow Jodi – I didn’t realize you did fiction. I really enjoyed it, and of course, it’s a perfect fit both for the season and the state of things as of late. Nice job. Thanks for sharing it.

    • Thanks Donna, what I usually write on the blog is real life, but I have novels running around inside my head. I just don’t know how (or have the discipline) to get them out. 🙂

      • Well then, go find the discipline – you’re a good writer. Plus, I’d love to be able to pick up a novel one day and say, hey, that’s my friend Jodi’s book! She’s a crazy Lab owner too!

  16. I love the transition between her growing frustration about the doorbell to the lovely surprise waiting behind the door. It felt very realistic.

    • It happens that way sometimes, doesn’t it? We are totally frustrated or angry about something and then somehow it turns into something good. Thanks for checking out the blog!

  17. It was the details of getting to the door that made it for me – so vivid. Very well done!! I will have to check out this Write on the Edge you linked to.

    • Thanks Shoes, I remember so well the business that comes with having children. It’s just what popped into my mind when I saw the prompt. 🙂

  18. This made me tear up!! BEAUTIFUL!! 🙂

  19. Bassas’ BBC news sent me to you. Lovely story. So heartwarming. 🙂

  20. I’m a visitor from Bassa’s blog, too. Love this story. Great twist at the end.

  21. I love the dogs most of all. Seriously. They grounded me in the household and invested me in the events right from the start.

  22. Chancy, Mumsy and Crew said:

    What a wonderful story and Christmas miracle…love it! Hugs

  23. Reading Bassas Blog, I almost didn’t click your link. But I’m glad I did. I LOVE your story. With a few words you said a lot!

  24. What a lovely story!!!

  25. Loved this story, Jodi, and loved it Even More when I realized you had written it!! Wow! Very very lovely.

  26. […] choose to participate or not, no pressure.  A few weeks back I did participate and wrote a short story that got a lot of […]

  27. Just got a chance to read this Jodi, I’ve been avoiding WordPress… I have to agree with Venus, she said what I would have. Those are the kind of things that give us a jolt. We’re down and then we find out that the “bother” is in our best interest. I had this happen with a guy I thought hated me when he asked to speak with me away from my friends. I felt like punching him because I thought he was going to say something unpleasant to me. Imagine my surprise when he asked me out! Same in your story. You captured the jolt. Very good!

  28. […] Surprisingly Successful:  A Christmas Miracle.  I wrote this post on a whim.  It was supposed to be my follow-up Friday post but I saw this […]

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